Indefinite work stoppage in the Judiciary

MEXICO CITY.- This Monday, workers of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (PJF) in five states of the Republic —Nuevo Leon, Zacatecas, Yucatan, Morelos and Coahuila— they start a indefinite work stoppagein protest against the upcoming approval of the Reform of the Judicial Branch of the Federation.

Messages from the Nuevo León PJF are circulating on social media, stating that the Fourth Circuit’s worker base, in defense of judicial independence and above all the rights of Mexicans, will suspend work starting August 19. “Excuse the inconvenience, we are defending Mexico,” they say and call for a march.

The Workers’ assembly of the Second Circuit with Headquarters in TolucaState of Mexico, called on representatives of the jurisdictional bodies and work areas to gather this Sunday at 11:00 p.m. at the headquarters building, because the indefinite suspension of work begins on August 19.

“After closing, the committee will remain in the safekeeping of the facilities and the representatives will be able to leave, later the members of the jurisdictional bodies and work areas of the headquarters building will meet again in the face-to-face guard,” says the internal logistics call.

The staff consulted stated that they will deal with urgent cases, that is, those that are in need or that are suspended outright, and this is provided for those cases where the loss of life, freedom, isolation, attacks or torture are at risk.

Anything that could put a person’s physical integrity at risk and is continued, in addition to the protections, “for example, if we have an admitted case of a man who did not have surgery and we are following up on him, that case is not paralyzed.”

They also indicated that the general secretary of the Union of Workers of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (STPJF), Jesús González Pimentel, does not support any type of measure and the base, operational staff, secretaries and actuaries have pushed for a work stoppage, because they see that with the reform to the PJF they will be affected by the disappearance of the judicial career and the trusts.

AMLO reacts to the strike in the Judiciary

About the Work stoppage by workers of the Judiciary in protest against the initiative of
presidential reform, this Monday, during his morning press conference, the president of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obradorsaid that they have the right to demonstrate, but accused that if they know that There is corruptionwill serve as “paleros” of corrupt people.

At the National Palace, López Obrador reiterated that the judicial reform does not affect workers, but rather benefits them.

He insisted that his government is not against workers, but against privileges and corruption in the judiciary: “And the workers know it.”

“And what we want is to correct, to eliminate corruption in the Judiciary, especially at the top, the corruption carried out by judges, magistrates and ministers. I clarify, not all of them, but many of them who let criminals go free, both organized crime and white-collar criminals,” said the president.

“If, having that information, which they do, they decide to go on strike, that is also their right, except that they will serve as stooges for those who are part of the corruption in the Judiciary,” the president added.

The indefinite strike begins

Chanting “We are all one, and we are all one,” employees of the Federal Judicial Branch began an indefinite work stoppage this Monday, in protest of the reform on the matter that is about to be ruled on in the Chamber of Deputies, and which, among other things, proposes the replacement of judges, ministers and magistrates.

Judges and magistrates argued that in this attack on the institution they participated in the dialogues and made proposals and suggestions that could serve to improve the administration of justice, but they were not taken into account.

Judicial Council offices in CDMX join the strike

The headquarters of the Federal Judicial Council (CJF) in the Mexico City They began a work stoppage early Monday morning to protest the reform of the Federal Judicial Branch (PJF).

The locations include: the building in San Lázaro, the Revolución building, the Las Flores building, Prisma and Diamante.

Meanwhile, United Circuits-Workers of the Judicial Branch of the Federation, Movement of Workers of the Judicial Branch of the Federation, College of Secretaries and Actuaries, among other organizations, called on Mexicans, civil organizations,
universities and unions to join in the defence of the country.

“It is urgent that they know that the reform proposed by the Federal Executive seeks to subject the Judicial Branch of the Federation, the only counterweight between the Powers of the Union and guarantor of the rights of all the people of Mexico, against the abuses and arbitrariness of the authorities.

“This reform also violates the rights of the working class, as it seeks to eliminate the judicial career of officers, clerks and secretaries as a merit-based system for accessing federal judgeship positions,” they said in a statement.

Workers arrive at the headquarters of the Judicial Branch in San Lázaro to support the strike that began at the first minute of this Monday, August 19, 2024 Credit: EL UNIVERSAL Agency/Francisco Rodríguez/LCG.

He stressed that, aware of the need for a comprehensive reform that benefits all citizens, the working class made up of more than 55,000 people has tried through various means to exhaust the avenue of dialogue, to expose the reasons why judicial reform, in the terms proposed, is harmful and does not resolve the problems of justice in Mexico.

“This was without us having been allowed access to the forums, much less having been heard, as can be seen in the published opinion that will be discussed, according to reports from the Legislative Branch, on August 26,” the organizations detailed.

They indicated that in this sense, in a historic and legitimate exercise of the rights of freedom of expression, assembly and association, and derived from the consensus of the United Judicial Circuits that make up the Judicial Branch of the Federation, the worker base decided to take strong actions in defense of judicial independence, the judicial career and Mexico.

“Therefore, as of today, the work of the Judicial Branch of the Federation throughout the Mexican Republic is indefinitely suspended until our requests are heard, taken into account, and reflected in our Political Constitution of the United Mexican States.

“Sorry for the inconvenience, we are defending Mexico from the abuses of authoritarian power,” they said.

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#Indefinite #work #stoppage #Judiciary
2024-08-23 03:01:35



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