Incredible photos.. Extracting a bicycle tire from the belly of a child in Egypt

An Egyptian medical team succeeded in extracting a “bicycle tire” from the abdomen of a child and saving him from certain death, in an incredible and amazing incident.

Doctors of the Teaching Hospital in Shebin El-Koum, Menoufia Governorate, north of Cairo, were surprised by a family seeking help to save their 12-year-old child, as he was playing with his bicycle in the streets of his village, Nashwan, and he fell to the ground, and the steering wheel pierced his stomach, causing severe and fatal injuries.

The child was immediately taken to the operating room, an abdominal exploration was performed, and emergency surgery was performed, where the broken “frame” was extracted inside his abdomen.

Dr. Mohamed Fathi Tahoun, director of the hospital, said that the child’s condition was very critical and very bad due to severe pain and continuous bleeding, and immediate treatment was carried out and the necessary examinations and analyzes were carried out, noting that his life was saved and his condition improved significantly after hours of surgical intervention.

He added that the child is currently under medical observation, and is receiving all necessary care.

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