Incredible handling of Fiaker horses

2023-07-23 12:39:32

Very disturbing are the images of a horse, completely helpless and harnessed, which in the heat is at the mercy of the fiaker driver’s blows and aggression. The driver obviously has no idea regarding horses. The fiakers always propagate that they look following their horses so well and that they lack nothing. They are obviously not lacking in beatings and abuse, as you can see. And politicians do nothing and watch. Horses not only suffer from the heat, the hard asphalt and the noise of cars in the city, obviously also from their owners, who only use and exploit them as a money machine. When will this torture under the guise of “tradition” finally come to an end? It must be acted upon and abolished immediately.

Inge Scharler, 5741 Neukirchen

Accessed on 07/23/2023 at 02:45

#Incredible #handling #Fiaker #horses

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