Incredible: an electronic bracelet… for sale on Marketplace, “I already have about twenty fans!”

You don’t need to access the dark web or Telegram to find ads that are… unusual or potentially illegal. This Thursday, a reader from Liège contacted us through our “alert us” feature.

A completely official bracelet, delivered with instructions. – DR

Kevin sells his bracelet.Kevin sells his bracelet.

A reader recently discovered the sale of an electronic bracelet listed for 300 euros on Marketplace, Facebook’s second-hand sales platform! As illustrated in the accompanying photos, this is not a toy, but a legitimate bracelet that is numbered and registered with the General Administration of the Justice Houses of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation.

Kevin, the seller from Morlanwez, mentions this in his advertisement.

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Unusual Sales on Marketplace: The Case of Electronic Bracelets

A reader from Liège recently drew attention to a startling discovery on Marketplace, Facebook’s platform for second-hand sales. An electronic bracelet was being sold for 300 euros, raising questions about the implications of such transactions. With its serial numbers and references tied to the General Administration of the Justice Houses of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, the bracelet’s legitimacy is under scrutiny.

A completely official bracelet, delivered with instructions

The seller, Kevin from Morlanwez, boasts of the bracelet’s official status in the ad. This raises several questions concerning the legality and ethical considerations surrounding such sales.

Kevin sells his bracelet

Understanding the Context of Electronic Bracelets

Electronic monitoring devices, or electronic bracelets, are commonly used for enforcing house arrest or tracking individuals on parole. Potential purchasers may not fully understand the legal implications of the devices they are acquiring, which often leads to troubling situations.

The Rise of Marketplace as a Selling Platform

In recent years, platforms like Marketplace have gained popularity, providing a venue for buyers and sellers to connect. However, as the sale of dubious items increases, so do concerns about unregulated transactions.

Potential Legal Implications

Buying or selling an electronic bracelet can have serious legal ramifications. Individuals interested in purchasing such devices should consider the following:

  • Legitimacy: Is the device being sold legitimately? Verify its origins.
  • Legal Ownership: Does the seller have the right to sell the bracelet? Ownership verification is crucial.
  • Usage Risks: Understand how the device can be used and any potential repercussions associated with its misuse.

Real-Life Cases of Unusual Sales

The Case of Kevin

Kevin’s sale of the electronic bracelet reveals widespread issues surrounding ethical conduct and legality in online marketplaces. Allegations emerged of individuals considering similar purchases, believing they could simply bypass legal constraints.

Background of Electronic Bracelets

Electronic bracelets were introduced as a safer alternative to traditional incarceration methods. However, they should only be used under regulated circumstances and official channels. Misuse can lead to severe consequences for both buyer and seller.

Benefits of Proper Regulations

To maintain order and protect individuals, clear regulations should be established regarding the sale of such items. The benefits of regulated sales include:

  • Enhanced Safety: Ensures that such devices are used only by authorized individuals.
  • Prevention of Fraud: Reduces the risk of scams and misrepresentation in the market.
  • Public Trust: Establishes community confidence in online marketplaces.

Practical Tips for Safe Buying and Selling on Marketplace

If you are looking to buy or sell any item on platforms like Marketplace, follow these practical tips to ensure a safer transaction:

  1. Research: Conduct thorough research on the item and its legality before engagement.
  2. Secure Payment Methods: Use trusted payment channels to reduce the risk of fraud.
  3. Meet in Public: When possible, arrange to meet the buyer or seller in a public space.
  4. Inspect the Item: Always inspect the device before finalizing the sale.
  5. Ask Questions: Don’t hesitate to inquire about the device’s history and functionality.


The case of the electronic bracelet sold on Marketplace serves as a reminder of the complexities and risks involved in online transactions. While platforms offer convenience, users must remain vigilant and informed to navigate potential legal grey areas and ethical dilemmas.

Additional Resources

For further reading, check out these articles:



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