Increasing Deaths and Illnesses in Cuban Children: A Devastating Reality in Guisa, Granma

2023-06-29 22:36:09

CubitaNOW Newsroom ~ Thursday, June 29, 2023

The increase in deaths and illnesses in Cuban children is greater every day. Today I heard the sad news of the death of a child from Guise. A baby who is just beginning to live,” said Cuban Dariem Toledo on Monday in a Facebook group in that municipality of Granma.

“Doctors can’t explain what kind of disease this is that attacks the lungs so quickly, and they can’t explain how dengue fever and various types of SARS have increased this year,” he said.

“My respects to the Cuban doctors above all. It is not their fault that they do not have the appropriate medications. It is not their fault that in the medical powerhouse we do not even have gauze to operate, a thread to hold stitches or a pill for a pain”.

“It is not their fault four and six hours of blackouts and mosquitoes spreading these diseases. It is not their fault that they are not given a better salary or that they all have transportation to save a life, a life that can be lost by minutes being late.”

“It is not your fault that the system invests in hotels and TUR cars, and not having the coj… to buy ambulances even if they are Chinese and one per province. I don’t know how you as doctors get strength to look at a child regarding to to die knowing that with conditions and medicines one might be saved? You are brave, and others are carefree!”,

“My most heartfelt condolences to that family. I would be almost crazy! May God help my country,” Toledo said.

A relative of the deceased baby thanked the support. “We thank you for your condolences. Here we are at the wake of a precious child, the son of my cousin, who is the granddaughter of Osiris Martínez. We are almost crazy, without consolation for this sad reality. There is no room for staff. We are devastated,” said Maria Elena Gongora Alvarez.

“It hurts to see a little angel die when we are supposed to see it grow and run around. It hurts a lot to see how this power crumbles and more Guise, our people, you are forgotten”; “It is sad that indolence has taken over many. It hurts to think of the past, now we are suffering the consequences of the incapable” and “this reality that we are living is hard and sad. How sad to see a life that has just begun end like this. My condolences to his family,” the Cubans expressed.

The relatives did not reveal the identity of the Cuban baby who died in Guisa, Granma.

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#Mourning #Guise #death #baby

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