Increased VAT revenue in the first half thanks to interconnection

A significant increase in VAT revenues was recorded in the first half of the year due to the interconnection of cash registers and POS, according to what Finance Minister Kostis Hatzidakis said while speaking to SKAI 100.3.

Specifically, Mr. Hatzidakis stated that due to the interconnection of cash registers and POS by self-employed professionals, VAT revenues increased by 10.3%.

“VAT revenues in the first half reached 10.3% more than the first half from 2023 and come from the development and from the interconnection of POS with cash registers,” the minister emphasized.

Mr. Hatzidakis emphasized that “I could not be in the position of the minister and not do anything, when thousands of freelancers declare that they live on 260 euros a month”, when asked about the assumed income.

“This year the income from taxes on the self-employed was increased by 600 million euros, while another 100 million was cut from benefits they received because of the low income they declared,” added the minister.

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#Increased #VAT #revenue #interconnection



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