Increase life expectancy with Ashwagandha? – healing practice

Ashwagandha root and powder.

How does taking ashwagandha affect life expectancy? (Image: Arundhati/

Longer life thanks to Ashwagandha?

dietary supplements sleeping berries (Ashwagandha; Indian ginseng) help to reduce stress and anxiety effectively and at the same time seem to increase life expectancy.

Various studies have examined how taking an extract from Ashwagandha affects various aspects of health and life expectancy. Because the one in particular Root of Ashwagandha A life-prolonging effect has long been said in traditional Ayurvedic medicine.

What is Ashwagandha?

Ashwagandha – also as Winterkirsche,
sleeping berry or Indian ginseng – is a medicinal plant that belongs to the nightshade family and has been around for thousands of years ayurvedic medicine is used.

Today, many researchers are also looking into the possible effects of taking ashwagandha on health and especially on life expectancy.

Ashwagandha reduces stress and anxiety

For example, one study evaluated the safety and effectiveness of a highly concentrated extract Ashwagandha roots to reduce stress and anxiety and to improve the general wellbeing examined.

According to the results, taking an extract of ashwagandha root is associated with a significant reduction in values ​​at all Stress assessment scales tied together. In addition, it turned out that the serum cortisol levels in Ashwagandha engaging participants were significantly lowerthan for participants without income.

The team concluded from the results that highly concentrated ashwagandha root extract stress resistance from people clearly improvedthereby increasing the self-assessed quality of life increased. Because stress has a significant impact on the development of diseasesdie Life expectancy and the risk of one premature death further positive effects can be assumed in this way.

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The corresponding study results can be found in the English-language journal “Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine“ to be read.

Does Ashwagandha prolong life?

In another research paper published in the journal “Annals of Neurosciences“ was published, researchers have both that root extract as well as cleaned components examined by Ashwagandha for their life-prolonging effect.

The team used a model for this C. Elegansa nematode from the group of rhabditids, which many basic biological mechanisms has in common with humans.

The study showed that the intake of Ashwagandha in the worms with a extended life span was connected. This indicated that ashwagandha supplements could also lead to a increase in life expectancy could contribute to humans. (as)

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