Increase in revenue will allow financing key programs such as Zero Tariff

Increase in revenue will allow financing key programs such as Zero Tariff

Asunción, IP Agency.- The increase in tax and customs collection, which exceeded US$400 million more in just eight months since the creation of the National Tax Revenue Directorate (DNIT), will allow the Government to finance priority projects in health, education, infrastructure and public policies. , highlighted the director of the new institution, Oscar Orué.

During the week Orué made the announcement that reached the goal of US$ 400 million in the month of April, earlier than initially estimated at the beginning of 2025.

The merger of the Undersecretary of Taxation (SET) and the Customs Directorate was key to increasing collections, which will allow, with an improvement in public spending, to finance key projects, he said in an interview with Paraguay TV.

«The concern that we talked regarding the other day: how is Tariff Zero going to be financed? Now, for example, we can say that the collection is at an important point to finance all these priority social or educational programs,” he said.

New fundraising goal

In this year’s General Budget of the Nation (PGN), the resource estimate was US$300 million more, so with this increase a new objective of increasing collection by US$700 million is established.

«The numbers speak for themselves and some said, ‘well, it was normal for revenue to grow because there is inflation or there is growth in the economy,’ but if we remove those variables, the number is impressive. We are really talking regarding almost 30% more collection in these four months. “It is a very important increase,” Orué highlighted.

The main reason for the increase corresponds to the increase in controls in the customs area, he explained. Through greater controls that allow for traceability of exports, schemes for undervaluation of merchandise have been disrupted.

#Increase #revenue #financing #key #programs #Tariff
2024-05-04 19:07:49

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