“Inconsolable widower” –

The wide field not only crashed in Abruzzo, lost pieces in Basilicata, and blew up in Piedmont – there is no mention of the European elections given the electoral law where everyone goes for themselves – but it is an impossible operation for the future. Massimo Franco, editorialist for Corriere della Sera, explains it during the Tuesday 19 March episode of Omnibus on La7. Well, “it’s not the fault” of Elly Schlein’s Democratic Party or Giuseppe Conte’s 5 Star Movement, explains the political commentator, the fact is that there is a “fundamental irreconcilability between certain positions and therefore it is useless to continue with the scheme of wide field because it is a scheme that failed in advance.”

Go ahead with our candidate.  Piedmont, Conte's breakthrough

In short, even if deemed “necessary”, the alliance is “impossible” because “there is a fundamental ambiguity”, explains Franco. Which? “The Five Star Movement is not a left-wing movement, it is a movement that they call post-ideological, while its detractors call it opportunistic-transformist.” The fact is that the M5S “believes it can ally itself with the Democratic Party only if it has political primacy – the journalist recalls – we must think that Giuseppe Conte is an inconsolable widower of Palazzo Chigi and therefore his relationship with the Democratic Party will always be a relationship in which, even if numerically inferior”, the former prime minister “believes he must lead and be the candidate in the event of elections”. In short, the original sin of the anti-centre-right crowd is these “unresolved and in my opinion unsolvable” ambiguities, Franco says.

#Inconsolable #widower #Tempo
2024-03-19 17:44:31



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