“Incomprehensible Decision” –

“Today we filed an appeal with the Supreme Court against the Review Court’s order” which rejected the revocation of Toti’s house arrest. This was reported by the Ligurian governor’s lawyer, Stefano Savi, at the end of his client’s preliminary hearing. The request referred to Toti’s first arrest for corruption, on May 7. The governor has received a new precautionary measure of house arrest, this time for illicit financing. “In all likelihood,” Savi explained, “for this new precautionary measure of house arrest we will file an appeal “per saltum,” that is, we will skip the Review Court and go directly to the Supreme Court. The problems are more or less the same and we will have them travel in parallel.”

Another precautionary measure for Toti. The latest accusation: the pillory continues

Giovanni Toti took the new measure “with surprise, given that the facts were known, the documents had been filed, it had been discussed in the Review Court”. This was reported by the lawyer Stefano Savi, at the end of the preliminary hearing of his client which took place via video link in the barracks of the Guardia di Finanza in La Spezia. Of course, “a further objection was made, but on facts that we already know: it is difficult to understand from a procedural point of view what sense this objection has and why at this moment – observed Savi – In this phase, for facts of two years, that there is such an urgent danger as to trigger a measure for a person already subjected to the same measure, well it is difficult to understand”.

#Incomprehensible #Decision #Tempo
2024-07-22 12:37:59



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