Income gap between workers in small and medium-sized enterprises, early 30s 1.8 times → early 50s 2.5 times

2023-06-11 01:44:00

  • It has been found that the income gap between workers at large corporations and those at small and medium-sized enterprises already reaches 1.8 times in their early 30s and widens to 2.5 times in their early 50s.

    If you look at the national statistics portal (KOSIS) job administrative statistics, the average monthly income of workers at large companies in 2021 was 5.63 million won, regarding 2.1 times that of 2.66 million won for small and medium-sized business workers.

    By age, the wage gap between workers at large companies and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) under the age of 19 was 1.3 times, but the gap gradually widened to 1.6 times for those in their late 20s (25-29 years old), 2 times for those in their late 30s, and 2.3 times for those in their late 40s.

    After peaking at 2.5 times in the early 50s, the rate narrowed to 2.4 times in the late 50s, 1.9 times each in the early 60s and over 65 years old.

    Among all jobs in 2021, large companies only increased by 170,000 compared to the previous year, while small and medium-sized businesses increased by 490,000 and non-profit companies by 190,000.

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