Including dry mouth..How does stress affect your teeth? – homeland

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CountryStress can have a significant impact not only on your physical health but on your dental health as well. Research indicates that stress contributes to systemic oral health as well as other chronic diseases.

In this context, the websiteindiatodayA report in which he talked regarding the most ways in which stress affects the mouth and teeth.

Lack of self-care

During times when we are stressed, self-care becomes a challenge.

At that time, we start eating foods that have an effect on the mind like foods rich in sugar and carbohydrates, All of which can lead to gum problems.

Dry mouth

Stress can also lead to dry mouth due to decreased saliva production.

Stress can have a significant impact on the health of your teeth

Saliva is important for maintaining the health of your mouth and teethhe is Works to remove food particles. It also contains enzymes that help remineralize teeth.

in the presence of caries, This can lead to plaque buildup.

Excessive consumption of alcohol and tobacco can also lead to dry mouth, which in turn leads to gum disease and cavities.

grinding of teeth

Bruxism is very common among people who have highly stressful jobs.

This can lead to disturbances in The temporomandibular joint This can lead to pain around the jaw and ears.

Teeth grinding

Many people feel anxious and stressed, and over time, they may develop a condition known as teeth grinding, which can lead to anxiety It causes “erosion and sensitivity of the teeth” in a large way It can cause inflammation or more likely lead to gingivitis.

Stress contributes to the systematic deterioration of oral health

How do you keep your teeth clean when you’re stressed?

  • Reduce stress levels by practicing yoga and meditation.
  • Contact your dentist to schedule a dental cleaning. You should see your dentist every six months.
  • Brushing and flossing teeth regularly.

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