In your interior – The Courier

Julia Perazzini, a Swiss actress, performer, and director who graduated from the Manufacture in Lausanne in 2006, writes plays that examine our relationship to identity, how we interact, and the connections between individuals. Her work, which is intimate, visual, and transformative, is primarily focused on stage writing. Julia Perazzini brings multiple bodies and voices to the stage, engaging in dialogues even when she is often the sole performer.

In 2012, she established the Devon Company and initiated a quadrilogy project called Hey, …it’s cold here! where she explores the impact of others’ perceptions on one’s search for identity. In 2016, Holes & Hills was presented at the Arsenic in Lausanne. Through a montage of internet interviews, Julia Perazzini approaches identity as a realm to be claimed. In 2019, she premiered The diner at Arsenic, delving into the concept of death not as a vanishing act but as a presence that contributes to our development, through creating a dialogue with her deceased brother.

Additionally, Julia Perazzini collaborates with various directors such as Encyclopédie de la parole, Julien Prévieux, Emilie Charriot (performing in the adaptation of King Kong Théorie by Virginie Despentes), Denis Maillefer, Valerio Scamuffa, and Emilie Rousset. She has also appeared in films by Lionel Baier, Véronique Aubouy, and Valérianne Poidevin, as well as in performances and artists’ films. She was awarded the Leenaards Scholarship in 2021 and is currently an artist in residence at the Théâtre Public de Montreuil (CDN) for the 2023-2024-2025 seasons. Her latest production, In your interior, a co-production with Arsenic in Lausanne and Théâtre Saint-Gervais in Geneva, will be showcased in Montreuil from November 6 to 23, 2024, and in Geneva from January 22 to 25, 2025. This play, which delves into Julia Perazzini’s investigation of her unknown grandfather, will also be presented at ABC-Temple Allemand with Club 44 in La Chaux-de-Fonds on October 25 and 26, 2024.

Julia Perazzini: A Swiss Actress, Performer, and Director

A Swiss actress, performer, and director who graduated from the Manufacture in Lausanne in 2006, Julia Perazzini is a talented artist known for her provocative and thought-provoking plays that challenge conventional norms and explore complex themes such as identity, interaction, and the boundaries between individuals. Her work is characterized by its intimate, plastic, and transformist nature, and is primarily expressed through stage writing. Julia Perazzini is renowned for bringing multiple bodies and voices to the stage, creating a dynamic dialogue that delves into the depths of human experience.

The Devon Company and the Quadrilogy Project

In 2012, Julia Perazzini founded the Devon Company and embarked on a quadrilogy project titled Hey, …it’s cold here!. This ambitious project revolves around the concept of “self-staging” and delves into the impact of external perceptions on individual identity. One of the key productions from this series, Holes & Hills, was premiered in 2016 at the prestigious Arsenic in Lausanne. Through a unique montage of internet interviews, Julia Perazzini explores the concept of identity as a fluid and malleable territory that can be molded and shaped according to individual experiences and perceptions.

Exploring Death and Identity in The Diner

In 2019, Julia Perazzini created The Diner at the Arsenic, where she delves into the profound theme of death. However, rather than portraying death as a mere cessation of existence, Julia Perazzini examines death as a palpable presence that influences and shapes our personal growth and development. Through a poignant and intimate dialogue with her deceased brother, Julia Perazzini challenges conventional notions of loss and mourning, offering a fresh perspective on the enduring impact of our loved ones.

Collaborations and Achievements

Aside from her individual work, Julia Perazzini has collaborated with a diverse range of directors across various artistic mediums, including cinema and performance art. Some notable collaborations include works with the Encyclopédie de la parole, Julien Prévieux, Emilie Charriot, Denis Maillefer, Valerio Scamuffa, and Emilie Rousset. Julia Perazzini’s versatility and creativity have earned her critical acclaim and recognition within the artistic community.

Upcoming Production: In Your Interior

Julia Perazzini’s latest creation, In Your Interior, is set to debut at the Théâtre Public de Montreuil and promises to be a groundbreaking exploration of her personal history and family heritage. Through an in-depth investigation of her unknown grandfather, Julia Perazzini embarks on a journey of self-discovery and introspection, weaving together a narrative that transcends time and space. Audiences can expect a deeply moving and thought-provoking experience that challenges preconceived notions of identity, memory, and belonging.

Julia Perazzini’s Upcoming Shows
Event Date
Montreuil Premiere November 6-23, 2024
Geneva Showing January 22-25, 2025
La Chaux-de-Fonds October 25-26, 2024

With her innovative approach to storytelling and her unwavering commitment to artistic exploration, Julia Perazzini continues to push the boundaries of performance art and challenge audiences to rethink their perceptions of identity, interaction, and the human experience.



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