in which regions will it be more intense –

A break, a short pause and nothing else. The temperature collapse of the last few days must not create false illusions because the heat, the true protagonist of summer 2024, is raising its head again and is ready to return. The team of confirms what many were already expecting: the peak temperatures are confirmed for Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 August. They warn, however, that “there will be no shortage of thunderstorms” in some regions. “It has therefore served the umpteenth advance of a promontory of the largest African anticyclone that will stretch from the coasts of North Africa to reconquer the central-western Mediterranean (after the slightly cooler phase of the last few days), thus giving way to a new heat wave”, we read on the site.

Over 38 degrees, the scorching locations: how long will the late summer wave last

It will be, the experts explain, a “hot air mass of subtropical origin”. The expected effects? A surge in temperatures. “Intense heat is expected throughout the country, particularly on the major islands and in the central regions: Sardinia will be the hottest region, with thermometers reaching the critical threshold of 38°C. In the center, cities like Rome and Florence will record temperatures close to at least 35°C, but the particularly muggy air will be the most difficult element to bear”.

#regions #intense #Tempo
2024-08-24 17:44:09



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