In which gas stations in Lithuania was gasoline, diesel and gas the cheapest, and where was the most expensive? | Business

Let’s go to the overview of real fuel prices on scoreboards. A liter of A95 gasoline cost on average – 1.466 EUR/l, diesel – 1.413 EUR/l.

  • • 2024 on August 13, the price of “Brent” oil was EUR 72.76, falling by -5.6 percent. compared to last month and -7.8 percent per barrel cheaper than in August 2023
  • In August, gasoline prices fall by -1.00 percent and diesel prices fall by -2.6 percent compared to July.

Average fuel prices at Lithuanian gas stations

A liter of A95 gasoline cost on average – 1.466 EUR/l, diesel – 1.413 EUR/l.

A95 gasoline price trends

In August, a liter of A95 gasoline at Lithuanian gas stations became cheaper by – 0.015 EUR (-1.0%) compared to July 2024, and was – 0.091 EUR (-5.8%) cheaper than in August last year.

Diesel price trends

A liter of diesel in Lithuanian gas stations in August was cheaper by – 0.037 EUR (-2.6%) compared to July 2024, and was – 0.074 EUR (-4.9%) cheaper than in August last year.

Ranking of the lowest A95 gasoline prices photo/A95 average price at Lithuanian gas stations with VAT and excise duty in EUR

According to the data of the price comparison portal, on August 13 The highest price of A95 gasoline was at the “Circle K” gas station – 1.539 Eur/l, at the “Viados” gas station – 1.529 Eur/l, at the “Neste” gas station – 1.479 Eur/l, at the “Ecoil” gas station – 1.449 Eur/l, at “Orlen” – 1.439 EUR/l, at the “Jozitas” gas station – 1.430 EUR/l, . photo/Gasoline prices in European countries photo/Gasoline prices in European countries

The cheapest A95 gasoline was at the “Skulo” gas station – 1.359 EUR/l, at the Statetos gas station – 1.419 EUR/l. The difference between the lowest (Skulas) and the highest (Circle K) A95 gasoline prices is 18 cents per liter or 13.2 percent.

In Poland, the price of A95 gasoline was – 1.518 EUR/l.

Ranking of the lowest diesel prices photo/Diesel, average price at Lithuanian gas stations with VAT and excise duty in EUR photo/Diesel, average price at Lithuanian gas stations with VAT and excise duty in EUR

Diesel prices were as follows: the cheapest diesel at the “Skulo” gas station – 1.309 Eur/l, at the “Jozitos” gas station – 1.340 Eur/l, at the “Statetos” gas station – 1.369 Eur/l, at the “Orlen” gas station – 1.399 Eur/l. photo/Diesel prices in European countries photo/Diesel prices in European countries

The most expensive at the “Circle K” gas station – 1.489 EUR/l, at the “Viada” gas station it cost 1.479 EUR/l, Neste – 1.429 EUR/l, at “Ecoil” gas stations – 1.409 EUR/l. The difference between the lowest (Skulas) and the highest (Cirle K) diesel prices is 18 cents per liter or 13.8 percent.

In Poland, the price of diesel was – 1,520 EUR/l.

Ranking of the lowest LPG prices

The lowest price of car gas was at Jozita gas station – 0.590 euro, at Skulo gas station – 0.639 euro, at Stateta gas station – 0.679 euro, at Orlen gas station – 0.689 euro, and the most expensive at Ecoil – 0.699 euro and at Viada at the gas station – 0.699 euros. The difference between the lowest and highest car gas prices is 10.9 cents per liter or 18.5 percent.

In Poland, liquefied gas cost 0.646 EUR/l.

In our region, in Lithuania, gasoline and diesel are the cheapest all the way to Romania or Bulgaria, so when we travel we cross the border of our country with full tanks and tanks if we want to save, and we return with empty ones.

The price comparison portal recorded fuel prices in 2024. August 13 Vilnius and Kaunas gas stations.

During the survey of the cheapest fuel prices, the prices of all types of fuel sold by gas station operators were recorded. After analyzing the data, a ranking of gas station prices was compiled for each individual type of fuel.

When compiling the rating, only the base prices of fuel positions were evaluated: the prices of gasoline A95, diesel and liquefied gas. The study did not evaluate fuel additives, their influence on the price, loyalty programs of gas stations and discounts with a gas station customer card.

The following gas stations in Vilnius, on the streets of Ukmergės-Geležinios Vilkas and near this city artery, participated in the July rating: “Circle K”, “Viada”, “Orlen”, “Neste”, “Stateta”, “Ecoil”, “Skulas”, ” Jozita” and gas stations “Viada”, “Orlen”, “Neste”, “Circle K”, “Skulas” and “Jozita” in Kaunas.

#gas #stations #Lithuania #gasoline #diesel #gas #cheapest #expensive #Business
2024-08-21 21:03:54



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