In which cities will the car pollution inspection raids take place? | Business

38 randomly stopped vehicles were checked in Panevėžys. None of the tested cars exceeded the emission limit values.

The first checks are being carried out in the Panevėžys board – in the city of Panevėžys, from next week the raids will be carried out in Utena. In September, raids will take place in the cities of the territory of the Šiauliai Board.

No violations were found during inspections

38 vehicles were inspected in Panevėžys, of which 32 were powered by diesel and 6 by gasoline engines. Cars 10 years old or older were selectively suspended.

The officers note that all the drivers were in a good mood and some even volunteered to check their cars.
“During the inspections, we did not find a single car in Panevėžys that exceeded the limit values ​​of emissions. Drivers cooperated willingly and some joined to check their car voluntarily. The oldest stopped car was 30 years old. age, but an old car does not equal pollution”, says Ieva Jakupkaitė, head of the environmental protection department of Panevėžys.

Reduced administrative responsibility – a warning applies
After the amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses came into effect in June of this year, environmentalists who have identified vehicles whose emissions into the ambient air exceed the limit values ​​will issue a warning to the drivers of such vehicles for the first time.
Validity of vehicle technical inspection document
August 1 of this year. after the changes in the order of the director of the Lithuanian Transport Safety Administration came into force, drivers are given more time to take care of their vehicle before the technical inspection ceases to be valid.

According to the updated order, the technical inspection document will expire after seven working days from the moment the decision is drawn up, but if a leak of environmentally hazardous liquids is detected, the technical inspection document will expire immediately and such a vehicle will not be able to participate in traffic.

A period of seven working days is given so that the owners or users of the vehicles can fix the cars and then carry out a technical inspection. If, during this period, a repeated technical inspection is not carried out at the technical inspection centers, proving that the limit values ​​no longer exceed the permissible norms, the validity of the technical inspection will be revoked.

What is important to know for a car driver

  • Department officials will not search the driver’s belongings after stopping a vehicle for pollution control. Only if there are reasonable suspicions that the items in the checked car are related to illegal hunting, fishing, etc., the officers have the right to check the items.
  • Vehicles will not be stopped in the dark during pollution control raids
  • After receiving a decision on the cancellation of the technical inspection of the vehicle and after performing a repeated technical inspection, there is no need to inform or report anything additionally.

More useful information on car pollution control can be found in the department preparedin memory.

How to recognize an officer and an official car

It will not be difficult to recognize department officers stopping vehicles on the road. The officers of the department will wear official uniforms with the words “Environmental protection”, embroidered emblems with the words “Lithuanian environmental protection”, and upon request, they will present the certificate of the environmental protection state control officer.

There will be at least two officers in the crew who will stop the vehicle during daylight hours by waving a lighted baton or reflective disc with a red reflector across the direction of travel, or by calling a stop over a loudspeaker and/or by turning on the blue lights of a patrol motor vehicle. All information on how to recognize officers and their official vehicles can be found here.

#cities #car #pollution #inspection #raids #place #Business
2024-08-27 12:18:21



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