Al-Marsad Newspaper: The expert in medical drugs, Dr. Jaber Al-Qahtani, revealed the best types of honey for diabetics, answering at the same time the question: Is the original honey suitable for diabetics?
original honey
Al-Qahtani said during his appearance on the Ya Hala program: “The original honey is unparalleled, and it is mentioned in the Holy Qur’an, but unfortunately the original honey is not suitable for diabetics.”
5 fruits more dangerous than honey
And the medical drug expert added: “There are substances that are more dangerous than honey for diabetics, such as mango, grapes, figs, bananas, and watermelon.”
best fruit
He continued, “There are fruits with lower sugar content, such as oranges, tangerines, and apples, and the sugar in them is fruit sugar, and is less dangerous than the previously mentioned fruits.”
best honey
Al-Qahtani concluded his statements: “The best honey, suitable for the elderly and diabetics, is Abu Farwa honey, which is imported from Europe and Turkey, and it does not raise sugar.”