In the video.. Al-Ghidan reveals the biggest drug crime promoted by a celebrity made by his mother

Al-Marsad Newspaper: The presenter of the Blind Spot program on the Saudi channel, Salah Al-Ghaidan, revealed a crime committed by a celebrity, because of his promotion of a treatment mixture.

drug crime

Al-Aidan said: “The biggest drug crime I witnessed, it was carried out by a celebrity who has more than 1.5 million followers, who promoted a therapeutic mixture made by his mother.”

his mother’s mixture

And he continued, “The famous person said through his account that he was sick, and he recovered with a mixture prepared by his mother, consisting of 27 ingredients.”

Khudairi responds

For his part, the researcher in carcinogens, Dr. Fahd Al-Khudairi, replied that the method of this mixture is a crime, because substances are mixed without knowing their interaction or contradiction.

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