In the video, a consultant reveals the dangers of blue water to the eye and causing blindness • Al Marsad Newspaper

Al-Marsad Newspaper: A vision correction consultant, Dr. Saud Al-Juhani, revealed the damage caused by blue water to the eye.

Al-Juhani said, during his speech on the “120” program: “Global water is the second largest cause of irreversible blindness in the eye, meaning that it cannot be reconsidered.”

He added: “The blue water directly affects the optic nerve, which is more dangerous than cataracts, and causes the so-called cavitation of the optic nerve, narrowing the field of vision, and the patient may end up losing his sight.”

He concluded his speech: “While cataracts cause darkening of the lens of the eye and blurry vision, but if we replace the lens, the vision will improve if there are no other complications that affect the eye.”

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