In the Parliament the “multi-bill” of the Ministry of Finance – On Monday in the competent committee

The “multi-bill” of the Ministry of National Economy and Finance was submitted to the Parliament on Saturday morning (9.12.2023), while it is expected to be examined by the competent parliamentary committee on Monday.

In particular, the bill of the Ministry of National Economy & Finance entitled “Organizational and procedural provisions for development, interventions to strengthen the just development transition and other urgent provisions” was submitted to the Parliament.

The bill includes, among other things:

-amendments to laws for development programs,

-amendment of Law 4872/2021 to strengthen the Just Developmental Transition

-measures to deal with the coronavirus and to strengthen hospitals

-security personnel compensation issues

-regulations of OTA issues (loans and debt exposures of municipalities that have been affected by a natural disaster),

-issues of television (extension of mandatory transmission in high definition) and radio stations (licensing process),

-issues of recalling third-country nationals for work and granting an investor residence permit (golden visa)

Purpose of the bill (Part A’) is the simplification of administrative procedures for development, the strengthening of the Just Development Transition and economic development in generalas well as dealing with individual urgent issues. The object of the bill is the individual amendment of the procedures concerning development programs and tools, as well as of Law 4872/2021 (A’ 247) to address the needs of the Just Developmental Transition, as well as the amendment of individual provisions to address more specific problems which they have.

According to the regulatory consequences analysis of the bill:

-Part B’: Amendments are being made to existing laws for the proper functioning of the National Development Program (NDP), the Public Investment Program (PIP), the Special Services, as well as the Recovery and Resilience Fund (RTF), the Hellenic Development Bank (EDB) and Partnerships Public-Private Sector (PPP), in the context of the restructuring of processes that are inextricably linked to the stimulation of development.

-Part C’: Law 4872/2021 (A’ 247) is amended to strengthen the Just Development Transition (DAM), focusing on the operation and structure of the Special DAM Service and on financing issues of the relevant programs.

-Part D’: In particular, issues related to stimulating growth and addressing urgent issues are regulated.

-Part E’: Issues are being regulated to deal with the continuation of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic and to deal with its new variants, in order to stop its further spread and the increase in cases and at the same time to strengthen the hospitals and primary health units of the National Health System . Also, issues are regulated for the utilization and management of movable and immovable property that has fallen to the newly established Ministry of Social Cohesion and Family. Finally, issues of the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports are regulated.

-Part F’: Issues of administration and proper operation of the museums established by Law 5021/2023 (A’ 31) and other urgent issues of the Ministry of Culture are regulated.

-Part G’: Urgent matters are regulated for the formation of the Board of Directors of the War Museum, the compensation of Greek Police personnel employed in order, security and traffic measures for the holding of sports meetings, the payment of educational allowances and travel expenses of Fixed-Term Border Guards and the remuneration of teaching staff in the three educational series of the School of Introductory Training for Prison Guard Staff, the extension of contracts for cleaning services of the Hellenic Police and the disposal of confiscated equipment.

-Part H’: Urgent matters of the competence of the Ministry of the Interior are regulated, in particular with regard to matters of local self-government organizations of the first and second degree, such as the loans and debt exposures of municipalities that have been affected by a natural disaster.

-Part I’: The proposed provision deals with issues concerning the members of the constitutionally guaranteed independent authorities [βλ. και τον σχετικό ορισμό του άρθρου 1 του ν. 3051/2002 (Α’ 220)] and in particular, the upper limit of the total salaries received by the members of all constitutionally guaranteed independent authorities is determined in a uniform manner.

-Part I’: An extension of one (1) year is granted a) for the mandatory transmission in high definition of the program of all categories of free-to-air terrestrial digital television broadcasting content providers of all categories and b) for the conduct of the licensing process for national free-to-air digital terrestrial television broadcasting content providers non-informative scope and regional scope. In addition, the licensing procedure for radio stations, which are included in the relevant Register of the National Radio and Television Council (NRC), is extended by one (1) year.

-Part IA’: The deadline given to employers to submit an application to the competent Foreigners and Immigration Service of the Decentralized Administration, for the purpose of recruiting third-country nationals for employment in the seasonal agricultural economy, is extended until December 31, 2024, in accordance with the exceptional procedure provided for in article sixteen of Law 4783/2021 (Α΄38). In addition, the deadline for completion of property purchase procedures for the granting of an investor’s residence permit (‘golden visa’) is extended, for one or more properties in the areas of section A of subpar. 2 of paragraph B of article 20 of Law 4251/2014 (A’ 80), until April 30, 2024, with a minimum investment value of two hundred and fifty thousand (250,000) euros, in order to allow reasonable time for the completion of the required procedures and to ensure the smooth operation of the specific real estate market.

The processing of the bill in the competent parliamentary committee will begin the day after tomorrow, Monday at 16:00.

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