In the North people live two years longer, while the South continues to depopulate

In five years our country has lost a million Italians going down under 59 million of inhabitants, with the Sud to lead the ranking of depopulation: 629 miles fewer inhabitants since 2018 and -6.3% in the last year. What if life expectancy she returned to go out two months in 2022 – 80.5 years for men and 84.8 years for women – even if not enough to return to pre-Covid levels (6 months to live) the fact remains that in the Northern Regions lives on average one or two more years than those of the South: in 9 Regions of the Centre-North (Trento, Lazio, Emilia, Friuli, Tuscany, Lombardy, Umbria, Marche and Veneto) for example the donne they live beyond 85 years old while in Campania, Sicily and Calabria they barely exceed the 83 years old. Same speech for the men: while in Calabria, Campania, Molise and Sicily men live on average 79 years old in Lombardy, Marche, Emilia, Umbria, Veneto, Tuscany and Trento they are exceeded on average 81 years old of life expectancy.

New born for the first time under the threshold of 400 thousand

Here are two macro phenomena that confirm the demographic gaps in the Italy of long winter of falling birth rate photographed in the “demographic indicators” published on Friday 7 April by Istat where the negative record in 2022 of newborns since the unification of Italy is confirmed: for the first time – as anticipated on 20 March – births were below the threshold of 400 thousand, stopping at 393 miles. While the mortality continued to hold high: deaths were 713 miles, 320 miles more than births. With the result that every 1000 inhabitants there were 7 newborns and 12 deaths.



Compared to 2018the last year in which there was an increase in births, the decrease is approx 184mila born. And the average number of children per woman has dropped to 1,24. The report questions the reasons and only partially traces them back to a choice of couples, instead giving significant weight to the progressive aging female population: the continuous postponement of the experience of motherhood ends up being transformed into a definitive one give up. The region with the highest fertility is the Trentino Alto Adige with a value equal to 1.51 children per woman, followed by Sicily and Campania, which however record much lower values, 1.35 and 1.33 respectively. Bringing up the rear Sardinia which, with 0.95, is for the third consecutive year the only region with a fertility below the unit.

The average age is 46 years

Despite the high number of deaths in the last three years due to the Covid especially among the elderly, the aging process of the population has continued, bringing theaverage age at 46 years. The over 65 are more than 14 million and constitute the 24% of the population. The number of centenarywhich has tripled in the last 20 years, is nearing the threshold for the first time 22 miles.



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