In the new week, the high pressure will bring a few sunny days

Brace Yourselves: Weather Whims Ahead!

Hello, lovely readers! Buckle up as we delve into the delightful mix of meteorological mischief our week has in store. Grab your umbrellas—or don’t, because with this weather, it’s more like a game of dodge the droplet!

Monday Madness: The Fog Factor

As we saunter into Monday, a pressure height is gearing up to stir the pot. That’s right, the weather is about to throw us a curveball with some warmer air trying to sneak in while fog and low clouds play hide and seek. Will they dissolve? You bet they will—but not before teasing us a bit!

Expect a meteorological cocktail of partly cloudy and almost clear skies—think of it as the weather’s way of dressing up for the occasion. By night, we may be greeted by rain showers, because what’s Monday without a downpour to wash away the weekend’s sins? Highs will be strutting around the 9 °C to 14 °C range, with Moravia’s southern tip flaunting its 14 °C like it just won the weather lottery!

Tuesday: A High-Pitched Pressure Performance

Come Tuesday, the high-pressure system decides to take center stage! A nearly clear horizon might be a sight to behold, but don’t let that fool you—clouds in the southwest and northeast are set to crash the party, making it a bit overcast. Magically, morning showers might grace the eastern side like an uninvited guest—awkward but necessary.

Wear your fog hats, folks! Expect some mist to linger as we ease into the day, but temperatures will shimmy up to a delightful 10 °C to 14 °C. And I don’t know about you, but I’m excited to see what those cloud formations have in store for us!

Wednesday Whims: Clouds and Spicy Winds

On Wednesday, the stars align giving us a touch of clarity amidst the chaos. The expected weather is almost like a well-rehearsed comedy act—clear to partly cloudy with a dash of low clouds and fog, especially in the morning. Guess what? That pesky fog is likely to stick around just long enough to annoy you before scattering like last night’s regrets.

And let’s not forget the winds! Oh, the winds! Gusts of up to 70 km/h, especially in the Highlands, will sweep through and remind us why we’re not wearing quite the right hairdo today. But hey, with highs flirting between 12 °C to 16 °C, it’s all part of the charm, really.

Thursday and Friday: Groundhog Day of Grays

As we inch towards the weekend, Thursday and Friday will tiptoe in, bringing familiar fog and low cloud cover, reminiscent of that long afternoon at a friend’s house that you just can’t escape. The weather will play its favorite tricks once more, keeping conditions cloudy, especially in the west. Expect daytime highs ranging from 14 °C to 19 °C, punching in with a “chill out” of 11 °C due to those stubborn low clouds.

The winds will continue their rebellious streak, whistling and crashing through regions with gusts that could whisk away the warmest of hats—up to 90 km/h in the mountains! Talk about some serious wind drama.

Weekend: The Grand Finale?

As the weekend saunters up, a frontal system looks to enter the scene. Our weather crystal ball isn’t quite in agreement on whether we’ll be drenched in rain on Saturday or Sunday. But one thing’s for sure—cooling down isn’t quite on its to-do list! So, perhaps a raincoat might be wise, but don’t count on a drastic temperature drop. This forecast is giving me “It’s going to rain? But I just washed my car!” vibes.

So, there you have it! A week where the weather might just decide to indulge in a bit of humor. Keep your umbrellas at the ready, your hats firmly on, and let’s make the best of wherever these quirky clouds decide to take us!

Stay warm, stay dry— and if all else fails, just remember: rain is like confetti from the sky—uninvited, but who doesn’t love a bit of party?

In the new week, the pressure height will begin to influence the weather here, and warmer air will also penetrate us. However, fog or low clouds will form in places, but they will mostly dissolve during the day. Even so, temperatures will drop locally.

On Monday, it will be almost clear to partly cloudy, gradually cloudy to overcast from the west, and rain will occur in places on Tuesday night. Mists occasionally form in the morning. The highest daily temperatures will rise to 9 °C to 13 °C, in the south of Moravia up to 14 °C.

On Tuesday, a high pressure will begin to prevail here. It will be almost clear to partly cloudy, mainly in the south-west and north-east cloudy to overcast. In the morning, there may still be some rain or showers in the east. There are occasional fogs in the morning. The highest daily temperatures will rise to 10 °C to 14 °C.

Synoptic situation on Tuesday – the pressure height will start to affect the weather here, source:

On Wednesday, it is expected to be clear to partly cloudy, in the morning and in the morning there will be fog or low clouds in places, especially in the west and southwest. But it usually dissolves during the day. The highest daily temperatures will rise to 12 °C to 16 °C. Fresh winds with gusts of up to 70 km/h will blow, especially in the Highlands and northern mountains.

Amount of low clouds Wednesday morning, source:

Thursday and Friday will bring similar weather, with fog and low cloud cover being a bit more frequent. Especially in the west and in the Highlands, it can last all day. Daytime highs will range between 14°C and 19°C, staying around 11°C with lingering fog or low cloud cover. Especially in the east of the territory, fresh wind will blow on Thursday and Friday with gusts of up to 70 km/h, in the mountains up to 90 km/h.

Expected temperatures on Wednesday – temperatures will often reach above 15 °C, source:

A frontal system will probably arrive at the weekend, bringing rain. However, the models currently do not agree whether it will come already on Saturday or until Sunday. However, it will probably not bring significant cooling.



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