In the National Assembly, the majority is working to make its final vote… last 29 texts

And meanwhile… The Bourbon Palace is slowly preparing to lower the curtain in a fortnight. In a deserted room of the four columns, there are the Walkers who are busy playing it – “We don’t stop”, “There is still taf”. Those who oscillate between “impatience” to enter the campaign for good and “end-of-term melancholy” thinking about the uncertainty that hangs over their future. When others frankly admit: “We’re bored, yes! “Presidential campaign obliges, the National Assembly will complete its work on February 24, and by then, the majority will empty its boxes working to finally vote on its last texts, such as this Thursday, February 10, the proposed law on school harassment or that to strengthen the right to abortion.

“We might as well make what was voted to succeed so as not to leave any construction sites,” summarizes the president of the MoDem group, Patrick Mignola. There are still, according to the government, 23 bills and six bills left. On topics as diverse and varied as the regulation of the art market, the choice of the name resulting from the filiation, the access of forest experts to cadastral data, the protection of whistleblowers or the reform of climate risk management tools in agriculture. All having already examined at first readings, “it must be recognized that it is not exciting,” sighs one minister.

“This is a special time of the campaign when we see that nothing takes”

“A work of need,” continues the same, on which the Macronists would nevertheless like to capitalize on for the campaign … “These are important texts because at the height of man and women,” pleaded the boss of the LREM deputies, Christophe Castaner, on Tuesday in a group meeting, to better encourage his troops to promote it. Instruction reiterated in the Council of Ministers by Emmanuel Macron, calling at the same time for vigilance to avoid trap shoes and controversies. “In every field, it affects people. Electorally, it’s not silly. It’s segmental,” Mignola says, although this activism is flying under the radar.

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Hard, hard, to print with “tails of texts” as one adviser to the executive says. “This is a particular period of campaigning when we see that nothing is taking,” Castaner said Tuesday morning in front of members of his group. Especially since the formalization of Emmanuel Macron’s candidacy is still waiting — “It is already necessary to spend this week and next week,” breathes a close friend of the president. This effectively leaves his troops with the weapon at their feet.

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