In the midst of a large artistic presence.. the funeral of the artist Samir Sabry

The body of the Egyptian artist, Samir Sabry, was buried today, Saturday, from the Police Mosque in the Sheikh Zayed area in Giza Governorate, to be buried in the family cemetery in Alexandria, his hometown.

A large number of art stars were keen to attend the funeral.

The great artist, Samir Sabry, passed away on Friday. After a struggle with illness, he passed away at the age of 85in a hotel, leaving a great artistic legacy.

The artist, Nihal Anbar, had announced that the date of the funeral will be on Monday at the Police Mosque in Sheikh Zayed.

A picture of the late artist was circulated, while he was reading the Holy Quran in a hospital, as the last appearance of Samir Sabry in his last days.

Samir Sabry from the hospital during his last illness

Samir Sabry from the hospital during his last illness

During his long artistic career, Samir Sabry presented more than 200 works between cinema, theater and television, in which he collaborated with senior artistic and directing names and a group of senior actors.

Sabri worked with Egyptian stars of different generations, including the “leader” Adel Imam, Naglaa Fathi and Yousra.

Samir Sabry in his youth

Samir Sabry in his youth

He also presented light songs and several performances.

Samir Sabry started his life as a broadcaster on the “European Program” channel of the Egyptian Radio, then moved to acting. But he returned to the media field and presented, in the seventies of the last century, one of the most famous and most successful Egyptian television programmes, “Al Nadi Al Dawli” (The International Club).

Samir Sabri

Samir Sabri

Samir Sabry was a friend of many Egyptian stars. Sabri’s last appearance on the screen was through the series “Valentino” with Adel Imam during the Ramadan 2020 season.



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