In the manner of Naira Ashraf.. A young man shoots a girl for refusing to associate with him in northern Egypt

A girl was shot dead in the Menoufia governorate in northern Egypt by a young man she refused to associate with, and the police are still looking for him.

Attempts to save her failed before she was transferred to the hospital, according to Al-Hurra correspondent.

A resident of the village, Shibl Muhammad, told Al-Hurra that the victim, Amani Abdel Karim Al-Jazzar, a 20-year-old student in the Faculty of Physical Education, was killed by the accused with a firearm in front of her family’s house, inflicting a direct injury on her back and escaping.

The source confirmed that the young man who caused the incident has an average qualification, is 29 years old, and is a resident of the village, and he had proposed to the student, but she rejected him, and her family rejected him as well.

Egypt witnessed two similar crimes that claimed the lives of two young women, Naira Ashraf and Salma Bahgat, who were killed by two young men who had previous knowledge of the two victims.

In late June, 21-year-old Naira Ashraf was stabbed 19 times outside the gates of a university in Mansoura, north of Cairo.

It turns out that the convict of her murder had been harassing her for nearly a year after she refused his marriage proposal.

In a similar incident, less than two months after the killing of Naira Ashraf, Salma Bahgat, a twenty-year-old woman, was stabbed at least 15 times in Zagazig, located between Cairo and Mansoura. A colleague of hers was accused of killing her after she refused his marriage proposal.

Human rights activists from Egypt say that a series of violent crimes against women in Egypt has exposed the gaps in legal and social protection that make Egyptian women vulnerable to attacks and harassment.

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