In the last 4 months, an unusual number of young people with strokes were treated | Cuyo’s diary

“Last year we treated 1 or 2 strokes in young people. Now, in the last 4 months we have had 3 patients,” said neurology specialist Mariana Riveros, who is one of those in charge of caring for these people at Rawson Hospital. Although the doctor explained that they do not have specific statistics in this regard, she said that these unusual attentions are a clear example of what they observe. This is why he stressed that the incidence is growing, as in the rest of the country, and said that they hope that following the 2022 Census, which will be held on May 18, they can have finer information regarding this disease and the cases that are in San Juan.

A few days ago, Hailey Balwin, the wife of singer Justin Bieber, made headlines in all the international media. At the age of 25, she suffered a stroke, which led her to be hospitalized for several days. In this context, from the Rawson hospital they said that, although they appear more frequently in adulthood, strokes in young people are becoming more frequent in San Juan, in fact in just 4 months more patients were treated than in the entire last year, according to the estimates of the professional.

“As in the rest of the country, strokes in San Juan are the main cause of disability and one of the first related to mortality. Now we see that there are many more cases of young people between 20 and 45 years old than one or two years ago. Before, almost everyone – they calculate that more than 80%, although there are no specific figures – were people over 60 years of age and now it’s like that age was decreasing,” said the professional and commented that now they hope that this percentage is modified, because so far this year they have already seen several cerebrovascular attacks in people under 60 years of age. From these clinics they also said that there is more prevalence in men than in women and that it is not known what is due to this increase in cases.

“Something that worries us most in the office is that people, especially young people, consult late due to some symptoms. It is thought that if one is young a stroke cannot happen to us, but it can happen. It is important that people consult immediately, before the symptoms so that we can offer a treatment. Otherwise, we will only do secondary prevention. The 4 and a half hours following the presence of symptoms are important, “explained Riveros. In this sense, he explained that the The main symptoms that people should be aware of are: loss of strength in the arm or leg, decreased sensation in one half of the body, difficulty speaking, unsteadiness in walking or incoordination, difficulty seeing, or a severe headache. intense and sudden onset. And, he said that the duration of symptoms can be variable, sometimes persistent, and other times lasting a few minutes, but that in both cases it is very important that patients or companions make an immediate consultation.


The Rawson hospital has a Vascular Pathology office, which depends on the Neurology Service. This service works even in neurological rehabilitation. This team is made up of kinesiology, speech therapy, psychology, nutrition, clinical medicine, cardiology and nursing.



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