In the field of transport, the perfect understanding between Switzerland and the EU

Once again, federal Switzerland can say thank you to its alpine tunnels. During the debates with the European transport ministers present like her this Tuesday at Le Bourget, near Paris, Simonetta Sommaruga once again realized how much north-south rail transit and the quality of Swiss infrastructure remain an asset at a time of bilateral deadlock, at the institutional level. “Switzerland has proposals to make in this area. I would even say that we are a bit of a model,” she confided to the Time at the end of this meeting organized within the framework of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union (PFUE). A next visit to the Netherlands, on March 22 and 23, will allow him to address this subject again, in addition to benefiting from the Dutch experience in terms of mobility by bicycle in metropolitan areas, and a visit to the port. from Rotterdam, on which the Confederation also depends for its supply.

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