In the Douchy chapel, Anthony Delon was overwhelming, a guest testifies

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Only a few dozen people, carefully chosen by Alain-Fabien, Anouchka and Anthony Delon, were able to attend the funeral of actor Alain Delon at his Brûlerie estate in Douchy. Behind the gates where fans gathered to pay tribute to the Samuraithe actor’s relatives attended the homily of Monsignor Di Falco and some strong moments marked the ceremony as revealed The Parisian.

Even though only about forty people were able to attend this very intimate moment, as the actor wanted, the chapel was too small to accommodate everyone. As our colleagues indicate, a marquee was therefore installed in front of the building.

Alain’s children united to carry the coffin

Around 1:30 p.m. the first guests arrived, such as Paul Belmondo, on a motorbike, or Alain Terzian, Vincent Lindon who read a text he himself wrote. At 4 p.m., everyone then settled into the chapel. A powerful moment: Alain Delon’s coffin arrived, carried by his three children to the music of Sicilian Clan by Ennio Morricone.

It was a little earlier that the body of the Samurai, which was resting on his black leather bed that he had bought with his first fees, was put in a coffin and left the ant house.

Alain-Fabien, Anouchka and Anthony then sat in the front row not far from the latter’s daughters, Loup, Liv and Alyson. Among the other guests, Rosalie the children’s mother, the Poniatowski sisters, Nicole Calfan, Géraldine Danon, Alain Delon’s goddaughter, Véronique de Villèle, Anthony Delon’s godmother and former assistant to Alain Delon… Loubo, Delon’s dog who will ultimately not be euthanized, was walking in the aisles.

Anthony Delon’s speech was powerful

A sober booklet entitled Lower the curtain was offered to the guests and children of the Cheetah took the floor, each in turn. Anthony Delon’s speech which “spoke without any papers” was “powerful, very beautiful. We felt that it came from the bottom of the heart” said one person who attended the ceremony.

Then, after a snack, the guests left like Anouchka who left the premises with her husband discreetly.



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