2024-01-12 15:55:03
How do you write it
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The Livres de Libédossier notebook With “In the belly of Klara”, the novelist looks at the intrauterine life of the future dictator.
Klara’s belly is at the heart of In the Belly of Klara, the new novel by Régis Jauffret, because of what it contains: sentences, Klara the narrator rambling regarding the future of what she is wearing, but above all a human future like no other to which the word Shoah will be attached. The heroine is Adolf’s mother, or rather the hero is this maternal womb. Neither the first name nor the surname are mentioned in the novel, although the author specifies in the flap of the book “to respect the tangible elements that we have concerning the parents of Hitler and his aunt […] while recreating through fiction” what he lacked. “This novel is made up of facts and imagination like a body of flesh and bones.” Klara’s mind finds itself adorned with premonitory phrases that sometimes make her mentally hate her motherhood (“I was afraid of this vermin that was going to fall from between my thighs”). And Régis Jauffret describes with his usual harsh virtuosity the physical state of the unfortunate woman. “I am nothing more than a large potted egg whose growing chick unbalances locomotion”, “My stomach preceded me like a flagship”, “I kept one hand on my stomach as if I was afraid to see it roll away in front of me like a big, poorly anchored ball. “Mothers will always remain accountable for the sins committed later by the child they
#Régis #Jauffret #Hitlers #obstetrician #Libération