In Taranto the VII National Sports Medicine Conference Magna Grecia and Anasmes

Sport Health Wellbeing will be the underlying theme of the Conference on Sports Medicine which will take place at the Official Club of the Navy on 5 October 2024 with work starting at 8.30 in the morning

Taranto – To organize the important appointment with 10 CME credits for all medical specializations (Orthopedic Technician; Physiotherapist; Hospital Pharmacist; Other Sector Pharmacist; Territorial Pharmacist; Biologist; Biomedical Laboratory Healthcare Technician; Midwife/O; Biomedical Laboratory Healthcare Technician; Medical Radiology Healthcare Technician; Nurse), this will also be year Dr Raffaella Frascella.BROCHURE

The aim of the conference is to understand and explore the advantages of sport and how they are linked to physical well-being, since regular exercise allows you to prevent many chronic pathologies. Physical activity, in fact, contributes to the reduction of cardiovascular, metabolic and neoplastic diseases, lowering the risk of hypertension. Recent studies have highlighted the benefits of sport in the prevention of Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases. In fact, sporting activity reduces stress, anxiety and depression, improves mood, promotes sleep, relaxation and strengthens self-esteem. Furthermore, it improves acceptance of disability and promotes regular psychophysical development in childhood.

The work will be divided into three sessions. The first session starting at 9.30 will be dedicated to nutrition and sport, the second session starting at 12.30 will deal with sports injuries and rehabilitation. The third and final session will be dedicated to the heart and sport.


08.30 Registration of participants

08.50 Greetings from the authorities and the University of Chieti

C. Della Penna – Professor of Contemporary History and Social History at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the “Gabriele d’Annunzio” University of Chieti-Pescara

VG Colacicco – General Director of ASL Taranto G. Cardella – Director of the Single District of ASL Taranto

G. Ronzino – Director of the Primary Care and Social Health Integration Department

C. Nume – President of the Taranto Medical Association

R. Melucci – Mayor of Taranto

C. Miniero – Archbishop of Taranto

V. D’Elia – Taranto Navy Officers Club

FR Fiorentini – Commander of the Taranto Carabinieri

09.00 Opening of the meeting and introduction to the R. Frascella course

Session 1

Nutrition and sport

Moderators: F. Levino, L. Sabatino

09.30 Nutrition, supplementation and physical well-being

Mr. Di Clemente

10.00 Advanced interventional treatment of pain: Pulsed Radiofrequency

D. Zollino

10.30 Wellbeing with sport in children

E. Sancesario

11.00 Coffee Break

11.30 Sarcopenia and rehabilitation treatment

R. Frascella

12.00 Benefits of sport in children with DSA

AC Dellarosa

Session 2

Sports injuries and rehabilitation

Moderators: A. Cortese, A. Scardicchio

12.30 Rehabilitation with sport

N. Beloved

1.00pm Overuse injuries in athletes

A. Aloisi

1.30pm Emergency splenectomy after sports trauma

G. Bellanova

14.00 Light lunch

14.30 Sport-therapy

G. Palumbo

3.00pm Sport in history

C. Della Penna

3.30pm Rehabilitation in the water

F.M. Manozzi

16.00 Miolesioni: Therapy with sport

G. Felzani

4.30pm Urological pathologies and physical activity, sport

G. Galleone

Session 3

Heart and sport

Moderators: A. Ostillio, G. Palumbo

5.00pm Sport in cardiology: arterial hypertension, chronic heart failure, ischemic heart disease, valvular disorders, arrhythmias in subjects with drug therapy. What are the limitations on non-competitive sporting activity?

M. Orlando

5.30pm The benefits of sport in the elderly

G. Lantone

18.00 Sport e doping

A. Tired

6.30pm Legal protection in competitive sports activities

M.L. Tritto

7.00pm Bigorexia and Vigorexia

A. Leone

7.30pm Discussion on the topics covered

19.45 Take home message e Test ECM

8.00pm Closing of work



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