In southern Sarthe, the WRF company is at the forefront of innovation | The mail

From left to dr. Florian Castellan and Romain Duperrier are two of the three engineers from the company WRF Innovation, in Sarthe. ©Le Petit Courrier – Echo of the Loir Valley.

Isolated in the countryside of Lailléin Sarthe, the company WRF Innovation is at the cutting edge of technology.

Three engineers innovate and find diverse and varied solutions to facilitate the daily lives of individuals, associations and companies.

A company at the forefront of innovation

William Lecoqcommercial director, Romain Duperrierdirector of operations, and Florian Castellantechnical director, three friends met at the Laval engineering school, the STAKEshare their skills to find solutions to problems in multiple areas.

Complementary skills

Each has its own domain; Roman, the calculations by Finished elementsWilliam, the electric and electronicsand Florian, design and l‘impression 3D :

We have different skills, but above all very complementary, which led us to found WRF Innovation together. Even in the way of running a business, we are very complementary.

Florian Castellan, technical director of WRF Innovation.

Concours d’innovations

The WRF adventure began shortly following the health crisis for its engineersin November 2020.

“We took part in a concours d’innovation, but we were not selected. We still wanted to embark on this adventure”, continues the technical director.

Very clearly, WFR Innovation offers feasibility study and creation of prototypes aimed at any initiator of an innovative project in need of support for the research and development ideas.

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The three engineers are involved in multiple fields of engineering, such as mechanical conceptfluid mechanics, electronics or vehicle electrification.

Examples of innovations

Since the creation of their company, the three engineers have launched numerous innovations: a electric bodyboarda functional prototype of a insecticidal ball shooting embarked on a drone, or even the all-terrain chair for Marion Pinson’s disabled people, at the head of a entertainment farm in Mansigné.

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“For Marion, we simply responded to the problem of l’inclusion. The goal now is to offer this chair for associations and EHPADs, and above all, to wait for feedback from uses and potential customers for future improvements and why not, a larger scale production of the chair”, reveals Florian.

Collaborative robots

WRF Innovation shines within a radius of 200-500km around Laillé: “We are almost the only ones to be located here, between Le Mans, Tours and Angers”, assures Romain Duperrier.

Engineers complete and defend values work with a collaborative robot :

Individuals should trust them. Today many SMEs are equipping themselves with collaborative robots, because they are faced with recruitment problems, particularly concerning jobs with repetitive tasks. Collaborative robots are there to help them, and they should not be seen as competitors to humans, but more as a 3rd hand.

Collaborative robots, created by WRF Innovationallow the person to gain SKILLSby removing the difficulty of certain tasks.

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