in schools, the week of all tensions

“Run or not run?” »« Open class or closed class? “ The parents of students, who have sailed on sight throughout this first week of the year, now have at least one certainty regarding the coming days: Thursday, January 13, some may have to do without school. For this day, the vast majority of teachers’ unions have called a strike on Friday, January 7.

The SNUipp-FSU, the majority in the first degree, and the Snudi-FO intend to mobilize at the primary level, while the SE-UNSA, the SNES-FSU and SUD-Education also call on the colleges and high schools to disengage. Their slogans overlap: more security and more stability in the face of the wave of Covid-19 which is sweeping over the school. With, in subtext, the claim of a return to the protocol “One case, one closure”.

Because since the start of the school year, Monday, January 3, classes have not closed, neither in the first case nor even following three positive cases, as was the case since the beginning of December, when the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2 began to do so. talk regarding him. Instead, children should be tested three times in a week as soon as they come into contact with an infected classmate. In any case, this is the theory: in fact, the national education system reported, Thursday, January 6, more than 9,000 closed classes, three times more than before the Christmas holidays. And the imposed screening route has turned, for many parents, into an obstacle course, during a tense week.

“It’s getting delusional”

Julie (people cited only by first name do not want to give their last names) knows something regarding this. Near Lille, this 41-year-old mother lived to the rhythm of the tests on “D0”, “D + 2” and “D + 4”, as required by the protocol. For her 5-year-old daughter, who does not tolerate nose tests very well, she preferred to look for a laboratory offering saliva tests. With the deadlines to get an appointment and then receive the result, little Ninon, declared a contact case on the Monday of the start of the school year, might not return to class until Thursday followingnoon.

In front of pharmacies and laboratories, many parents, like her, no longer hide their anger. “Two hours of waiting in the middle of winter, it’s a shame to impose that on children”, Storm Caroline, whose eldest of the two boys, 6, was identified as a contact case on Wednesday. After having been “Rejected in the lab” where she was hoping for a saliva test, she turned to the “Local pharmacy”. Took it « son ticket ». Found herself in “Queue in a parking lot”, with in front of her “Screaming children”, behind her “Antivax who boasted of their alleged freedom”“They got down to two to put a belt on my son and put a swab in his nose. “ This mother, who nevertheless defended the principle of screening at school, doubts whether to comply once more with the exercise.

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