In Russia, they are thinking of giving working pensioners 25,000 rubles each. Sakhalin.Info

09:15 August 5, 2022.

Finance, Politics

Nine deputies of the State Duma and four senators of the Federation Council have developed a bill that should help Russian working pensioners. The authorities have been deprived of the latter since 2016 – then the indexation of a fixed payment to the insurance pension and the adjustment of the size of the insurance payment itself for working pensioners were canceled.

“Many pensioners in our country are forced to work in order to maintain an acceptable standard of living due to the low size of their insurance pensions. Their wages, as a rule, are also low. The abolition of indexation of their insurance pensions for working pensioners negatively affects their financial situation, and in conditions of rising inflation causes an increase in social tension,” the explanatory note to the bill says.

Non-working pensioners receive indexing to your payments. Because of this, some citizens choose to work “in the black” so as not to lose money. But many citizens who are in demand in the fields of medicine, education, culture or science cannot take such a step.

“In order to improve the financial situation of working pensioners, the draft law proposes to supplement part two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation with Article 2312, which provides for working pensioners the right to receive a pension social tax refund, which is set at 50% of the amount of personal income tax calculated, withheld and transferred by the tax agent in the budget system of the Russian Federation in relation to a working pensioner for the tax period, but not more than 25,000 rubles,” the documents say.

For a full deduction, you need to earn 200 thousand rubles a year (then taxes will be paid 26 thousand rubles) or 16.6 thousand rubles a month. Retirement refund is similar to a tax deduction that can be received for various purchases and activities. This support measure is actually just an additional thirteenth pension. To receive it, you will need to write an application to the tax office, which will consider it within a month and transfer the money in a non-cash form.

“The adoption of the proposed bill will allow partially reimburse working pensioners for the income they lose as a result of established legislative restrictions. The entry into force of this federal law is expected from January 1, 2023,” the bill says.

The deputies believe that additional funds from the federal budget will not be needed to implement the bill. Two options are possible here – either the funds will be registered immediately in the treasury for the next three-year period, or the responsibility will be transferred to the regional authorities. The document was submitted to the State Duma on August 4.



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