In Peru, people from a tribe not belonging to the world began to appear – World

There is a tribe living in the Amazon forests of Peru, South America, which has no contact with the rest of the world. Recently, some members of this tribe have been seen near the loggers (loggers) for wood along the river in search of food, fuel and medicine.

This tribe that does not belong to the rest of the world is called Mashko Peru. A group called Survival International has broken the news of the tribe coming out of the forests.

Peru’s indigenous rights group Finamed said that in recent weeks, Mashco Peruvians have come out of the forest, but they try to stay away from loggers.

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Mashco Peruvians were seen and photographed in late June on the banks of a river in the Madre de Dios region near the Peruvian border with Brazil. It is a region in the southeast of Peru. Photos released by Survival International. Carolyn Pearce, director of Survival International, said the Mashko Peru tribe has been seen only a kilometer away from the loggers.