In Paris, the Maison de la Nouvelle-Calédonie introduces students from the province of the Islands to the administrative procedures of mainland France

As every year, during this back-to-school period, Caledonian students arrive in Paris. Before joining their city of studies, young people from the province of the Islands go through the Maison de la Nouvelle-Calédonie to finalize their administrative procedures.

Will the stock markets be impacted by the crisis?“Welcomed to the Maison de la Nouvelle-Calédonie (MNC) in Paris, students from the island province are learning about French administrative procedures. Added to the usual apprehension is the tense context that the territory is going through. Arriving the evening before, the young Caledonians listen to Francis Ixeko, the head of the MNC student service.”During three days of workshops, we will formalize the administrative procedures, see where they are in terms of housing“, explains Francis Ixeko. “Over time, we have seen that as long as the administrative procedures are not settled, it affects their motivation when they return to school.“.

Until the end of August, around 75 students from the Islands province will pass through the house of New Caledonia. The repercussions of the current crisis are being felt.Will the payment of scholarships be impacted by the crisis? “, interrupts one of them while Francis Ixeko reminds us of the importance of opening a bank account quickly and the terms of payment of aid.”That was my main worry because I knew that if I didn’t get it, I couldn’t come.“, adds Annie Rokuad, 18, a future sociology student in Lille.

While some students admit to being relieved to leave the heavy atmosphere of New Caledonia for a while, all say they want to return.Leaving New Caledonia allows me to advance in my studies. But maybe in the future, with my diplomas, I will be able to help my country rebuild itself.“, explains Leïlani Ita, 18, who is going to study human resources in Clermont-Ferrand and says she is convinced that the region “can get back on track“.

The MNC also helps with the search for accommodation, complicated by the problems of guarantors, gives educational advice and raises awareness among young people about “money trap“.”We try to alert them about this. Compared to the high cost of living in New Caledonia, it’s a bit like paradise here.“, explains Adrien Trohmae, the referent”student life“at the MNC. An essential anchor point for Caledonian students in mainland France, the MNC keeps in touch with them”at least once a month“and it is not uncommon for links to last over time,” continues Adrien Trohmae.

A report by Bruno Gabetta and Ruhan Chen


The institution founded in 1989, the day after the signing of the Matignon-Oudinot agreements, has not been spared by the political upheavals that New Caledonia is going through. Without a director since the summer of 2022, following the death of Joël Viratelle, it is constantly under threat of cessation of payments.

The Southern and Northern provinces no longer finance the MNC and have entrusted the monitoring of their students in mainland France to their own organizations, breaking with “the spirit of concorde” who presided over the creation of the place.”This House of New Caledonia is the house of all Caledonians. The fact that others (provinces) have different services today is a bit sad. There is something shaky, broken“, regrets Adrien Trohmae. To date, the MNC only welcomes students from the province of the Islands and evacuees from the entire territory.

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