In Paris, an already saturated vaccination center

MONKEYPOX – “There are no more slots. “While the town hall of Paris announced this Tuesday, July 26 the long-awaited opening of a center specially designed for people eligible for vaccination once morest monkey pox, the site was quickly saturated. The day following the opening of the “vaccinodrome”, the candidates for vaccination met by the HuffPost did not hide their concern.

Because it is mostly in Paris that the cases have been identified. On July 26 (last update from Public Health France), 781 out of 1,837 infected people lived in the Ile-de-France region. They are MSM (men who have sex with men) in 96% of cases, the latter being prioritized for vaccination with trans people, sex workers and people working in places of sexual consumption.

Growing concern in the circles ” at risk “

In front of the center which adjoins the Choisy park, there is no queue but an arrival of the lucky ones who have obtained an appointment in dribs and drabs. Among them, Tony (the first names have been changed at the request of the interlocutors) explains: “ I am homosexual, I have several partners so I get vaccinated, it’s for the group effort. » Same awareness on the side of Clément: “JI’m in a so-called at-risk community, I have a few friends who caught it. Almost all of them frantically updated the appointment pages on Doctolib until an appointment became available. It was finally at the Edison center that they found the precious niche.

« I am lucky to be one of those who had a date but there are many who are waiting », wishes to underline Alexandre, while several people without an appointment come to try their luck, without success.

No more appointments available

Simply go to the Doctolib platform, which centralizes monkeypox vaccination appointments at Edison, to find out. At the time of publishing these lines, Doctolib indicates that there is no longer any online availability. Jérôme experienced this: It’s armored armored. Nearby, another castaway from vaccination expands: “ They opened the slots until August 7, from the 8 there will be new ones. »

On the side of the town hall of Paris, we deplore the lack of personnel to deal with the epidemic. So much so that the state now authorizes health students and retired doctors and nurses to vaccinate, according to a decree published in the official journal this Wednesday, July 27.

To sweep away concerns regarding the number of doses available, the Minister of Health François Braun underlines that the stock is sufficient : « 42,000 doses have been destocked, 32,000 are already available. At the same time, the minister estimated the number of people at risk at 250,000.

See also also on The HuffPost: Monkey pox: Why the gay community cares

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