In our mouths, bacteria that can lead to deadly brain abscesses

Poor oral hygiene is already linked to many ailments. A recent study now links it to brain abscesses.

gum problems et Alzheimerimbalance between bacteria in the oral cavity and hypertension or even stroke,… Oral hygiene is important, and not just for the smile, we have known this for a very long time.

Last week the review Journal of Dentistry relayed the conclusions of a study according to which bacteria known to cause oral infections are also likely to promote the appearance of life-threatening brain abscesses.

Rare abscesses but…

Admittedly, this type of abscess is rather rare, but it is potentially very dangerous. English scientists analyzed the records of 87 patients hospitalized for brain abscesses, and used microbiological data obtained from abscess swabs and other neighboring ones.

The results showed that the 52 patients in whom no cause for the abscess was found were three times more likely to harbor oral bacteria responsible for oral infections.

The presence of streptococci

Also in these patients there was a significantly greater number of Streptococcus anginosusa bacterium that can be causing pharyngitisbacteremia and more serious, infections of internal organs such as the brain, lungs and liver. And this bacteria is often found in dental abscesses.

Scientists believe in the light of their results that the mouth can be considered as the origin of a infection in cases of cerebral abscess whose cause has not been formally recognized.

Improve oral hygiene

Dr Holly Roy, Clinical Lecturer in Neurosurgery at University of Plymouth and lead author of this study, summarizes the significance of this finding:

While many potential causes of brain abscess are recognized, the origin of the infection often remains clinically unidentified. However, it was still surprising to frequently find bacteria present orally in brain abscesses of unexplained origin. This study (…) also highlights the importance of improving dental care and oral hygiene more generally.

Parallel clinical trials are being conducted, aiming to analyze the links between gum health and Alzheimer’s disease.

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