In order to return power to employees, we must re-examine the “French style” of leadership.

2024-09-01 07:48:18

Research conducted French company employees Reveals that many people view their managers as authoritarian and hierarchical. Only half of employees feel they can influence important company decisions, compared to 85% in Scandinavian countries. Furthermore, only 17% feel they are consulted and listened to before major events occur. Organizational change at workIn other words, they feel they have little influence over decisions within the company or even within their own team.

This lack of autonomy may have many reasons, such as historical legacies, an education system that is seen as elitist, or even The financialization of the economy continues to increase.

The situation is made more serious because French business leaders must face other challenges, the first of which is hiring qualified candidates? According to a recent study by the Bank of France, nearly half of companies face Recruitment issuesReasons explaining these difficulties include aspects related to corporate culture and human resources, such as Quality of HR practices and managementThe question becomes even more strategic when professionals are faced with other possibilities, from creating businesses (including start-ups) to working as consultants and all the new forms of voluntary self-employment.

The Importance of Leaders

If we still have doubts, all these challenges reveal the importance of the role of leaders within French companies, not only to motivate employees but also to attract high-quality talent. Therefore, it is crucial to identify the leadership style that best suits this mission, as different styles will have different effects on the team and be beneficial in specific situations.

Research from Business Roundtable, 2019 Indicating a growing demand for employee-centric leadership. This movement is growing as modern organizations are encouraged to take on broader responsibilities to multiple stakeholders. This trend suggests that organizations are increasingly asking their leaders to take on social obligations to employees and others affected by the company.

Research on organizational behavior has highlighted two leadership styles that are critical to optimizing team performance: ethics and authenticity. What I do Urszula Lagowska, professor of leadership at Neoma in France, and other colleagues believe that these two leadership styles are widely recognized for their effectiveness in promoting a productive work environment due to their ethical values ​​based on morality and authenticity. This vision is supported by Research conducted by Professor James Lemoinewho are showing a growing interest in 21st century leadership, morals and ethics, authenticity and serviceEgypt century. Ethical and authentic styles demonstrate unique ethical behaviors that directly impact the relationships between leaders and their teams.

Act like a role model

An ethical leadership style produces good results in terms of engagement. It involves leaders demonstrating appropriate behaviors through personal conduct, interpersonal relationships, and encouraging these behaviors through open communication, positive encouragement, and fair decision making.

This means setting an example, treating others with respect, and fostering an ethical environment. Actively focus on and reinforceIn other words, ethical leaders not only lead with their actions, but they also reinforce these values ​​through open communication and fair decision-making. Ethical leaders thus act both as “ethical people,” upholding justice and honesty in their relationships with employees, and as “ethical managers,” setting an example and reinforcing ethics. Expected and normatively appropriate behavior.

Improving ethical behavior

Ethical leadership also emphasizes The Importance of Community Standardspromoting similarities among group members and reducing concerns about discrimination. Proponents of ethical leadership argue that ethical leaders are credible role models who embody the ethical attitudes and behaviors expected of their colleagues, reward ethical behavior, and enforce consequences for those who fail to meet the standards. This leadership style combines consistent ethical character with respect for organizational and cultural norms.

In summary, ethical leaders have a clear goal to improve the ethical behavior of their employees by clearly defining acceptable behaviors and implementing a system of rewards and corrections. For example, ethical leaders clarify expectations and rewards for those who achieve these goals in the best way. In other words, it is an approach that is both strict and rule-oriented, but avoids big surprises and emphasizes fairness in treating different employees.

Inner Moral Compass

Unlike ethical leadership, authentic leadership focuses on personal authenticity and Everyone’s “Inner Moral Compass”They value a unique sense of identity, thereby reducing perceived threat by, for example, promoting applicant self-affirmation during the hiring process. While ethical leadership focuses on conforming to external expectations, authentic leadership emphasizes the leader’s self-awareness, self-regulation, and personal consistency. Model these characteristics for your employees.

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Therefore, authentic leaders are defined as individuals who achieve high levels of authenticity by being aware of their beliefs, values, and identity, and acting transparently and consistently. Follow these principles when interacting with othersThey promote fair treatment, equity, and responsibility within their teams, actively engage in the development of their self-concept through self-awareness, self-regulation, and positive self-regulatory behaviors, and inspire followers to do the same. For example, managers who actively promote open dialogue and reward appropriate behavior encourage their employees to adopt these same values, thereby creating a culture of integrity and accountability within their teams.

Inclusive culture

In summary, authentic leaders make ethical decisions based on their own sense of what is right, uninfluenced by external expectations. They provide employees with elements that reinforce their own identities, thereby promoting an inclusive company culture. Authentic leaders play a vital role in helping employees grow personally and professionally.

For French companies facing these challenges, investing in ethical and authentic leadership is a smart management strategy. These leadership approaches offer concrete practices that can positively change organizational dynamics, enhance employee engagement, and increase a company’s attractiveness to qualified talent.

By fostering an environment where employees feel valued and have a real say in strategic decisions, these leaders not only help create a more fulfilling work environment, but also increase employee satisfaction, making them feel more involved and engaged in company decision-making. The company’s attractiveness to high-quality candidates.

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