“In nuclear fusion, the competition is more diplomatic than industrial,” according to geopolitical researcher Teva Meyer

2023-09-25 06:00:00

A subject of research for more than fifty years, nuclear fusion carries with it the promise of unlimited, carbon-free and safe energy production. Chimera for some, Holy Grail for others, it is enjoying worldwide popularity. On Tuesday September 5, Germany presented a new support plan to develop this technology.

The opportunity for L’Usine Nouvelle to interview Teva Meyer, lecturer in geopolitics and geography at the University of Haute-Alsace and associate researcher at the Institute of International and Strategic Relations (Iris). This specialist in nuclear geopolitics thus reviews the forces present in this scientific adventure and recalls that technology, still very far from the industrial demonstrator, is above all the subject of diplomatic competition.

The New Factory. – Germany has just announced a new support program for nuclear fusion, worth 370 million euros over 5 years. Is this announcement a surprise?


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