In Nice, Emmanuel Macron presents his proposals on security; the right attacks its balance sheet

With less than three months of the presidential election, security returns as one of the central themes of the campaign. After Valérie Pécresse, who announced her intention to “Bring the Kärcher out of the cellar” Last week, Emmanuel Macron is in Nice, Monday, January 10, to present his proposals on this subject, although he is not yet officially a candidate.

In front of elected officials and associations, the President of the Republic reiterated his intention to want “Double the police on the ground by 2030”. This measure will complement the creation of 10,000 law enforcement positions since the start of the five-year term, he said. “Over the past five years, in accordance with the commitment I made, we have reinvested in our security”, also defended Mr. Macron, in the form of a balance sheet.

Read also Article reserved for our subscribers Macron and the police: four years of trial and error for a president without networks

He also announced the creation of 200 gendarmerie brigades in rural areas in order to “Restore tranquility in the most rural districts”. “The experiments carried out in several departments have proven the effectiveness of the system, which brings the police closer to the population in areas where the footprint of public services is small”, he added. Mr. Macron then unveiled the establishment of a “Republican force of action” which will be deployed “In neighborhoods experiencing difficulties” for’“Help dismantle the main points of the deal”.

During this speech in Nice, he also declared to have “Reinvested in the fight once morest illegal immigration” and once morest radicalization and “Carried out new action once morest drugs” with the creation of a central body to fight once morest trafficking and points of deal. “It is a priority and will remain so”, he added. “Our duty and our vocation is to continue to tirelessly improve things. “

“Emmanuel Macron let society run wild”

Emmanuel Macron met with police and gendarmes on Monday January 10 in Nice.

On his arrival in Nice, the Head of State was greeted by the mayor, Christian Estrosi, who left Les Républicains (LR) to support him. Symbolically, Mr. Estrosi handed over to the President of the Republic the keys to the future “police hotel”, to bring together the national and municipal police forces. Accompanied by the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, and Secretary of State Marlène Schiappa, Mr. Macron must also discuss throughout this trip with members of the police, elected officials, magistrates, associations and Niçois.

On this subject of security, Mr. Macron is very attacked on the right. His trip to Nice has also greatly displeased Eric Ciotti, deputy of the department and “advisor to the authority” of the candidate of the Republicans, Valérie Pécresse. “He is coming to lay the fictitious first stone of a police station whose work will not begin for two years and whose building permit application has not even been filed. I will not endorse this little electoral maneuver ”, reacted the finalist of the LR congress to Figaro.

Mr. Ciotti was not present, as is the republican tradition, to welcome the President of the Republic and announced to go, at the same time, to the prison of Nice. “Macron’s failure in terms of security is that of the bankruptcy of at the same time security”, criticizes in the same interview the deputy, specialist in security issues. “Emmanuel Macron left society to run wild and will leave the French with a France Clockwork Orange », he believes.

Read our report: Article reserved for our subscribers Valérie Pécresse chooses the security escalation

Last week, it was the Republican candidate, Valérie Pécresse, who came out with shocking formulas on this theme of security. On the occasion of a trip to Bouches-du-Rhône and Vaucluse andan interview at Provence, she used a formula with a strong connotation on the right. “I’m going to bring the Kärcher out of the cellar”, she said, referring to the formula of Nicolas Sarkozy, who in 2005 had promised a resident of La Courneuve (Seine-Saint-Denis) to ” to clean ” the city “At the Kärcher”.

During his trip on Thursday, Mme Pécresse had notably pleaded in favor of the creation of “Provisional detention centers”, deeming the number of executions of short sentences insufficient. “We will promise to provide 20,000 additional prison places (…), but they will not emerge from the ground in the summer. (…) We are going to open provisional detention centers in disused buildings ”, she explained from Salon-de-Provence.

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