In Montana, a hunter photographs a “naked alien”

Thanks to a camera trap, a hunter in the Redgate region has immortalized a bipedal being he describes as a “naked alien”.

Donald Bromley, a Regatta hunter near Deer Lodge, MT, has placed several cameras in the forest to better monitor local wildlife. These devices, equipped with batteries that can last a year and an infrared lens, are triggered by a motion sensor. Regularly, Donald Bromley comes to take up his pictures which generally offer a fairly complete overview of the region’s animal population: deer, foxes, elk, and sometimes even a lynx or a bear.

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But, this time, it is a very unusual specimen that one of his camera traps captured: a human silhouette but with such strange characteristics that the hunter asks himself many questions: “At the beginning, I just said to myself. that a guy had been there, he told a local media outlet, but the more I looked at the photo, the more I thought it was something else. The bulbous head, the obvious lack of clothing, the semi-transparent body… All this clearly makes one think of an alien. ”

In addition, he explains, the site where the photo was taken is very difficult to access: “You have to walk dozens of kilometers, climb steep slopes… I don’t see how anyone might have found themselves. here in the middle of the night. And naked. I also had other cameras placed nearby that should have photographed him. However, they did not trigger. ”

Also read:Mystery and balls of light in the Arizona sky

As KXLF TV points out, Redgate is a “hot spot” for UFO sightings and paranormal phenomena. Donald Bromley’s adventure adds an episode to this long series …

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