IN – MOL celebrates International Coffee Day today: Czechs are the biggest consumers of coffee in Central Europe on the go, they drink it mainly with milk at the pumps

Stopping for coffee and traveling by car go hand in hand. 9 out of 10 Czechs stop at a gas station for coffee during a long journey, even if they don’t need to refuel at the moment. MOL data shows that drivers increasingly associate a stop at a gas station with a quality cup of coffee. For almost 90% of Czechs, coffee quality is a key factor when choosing a gas station. In the first eight months of this year alone, the MOL Group sold more than 40 million cups of coffee at its gas stations.

On average, 120 cups of coffee are drunk per minute at MOL gas stations. And because quality coffee is important on the go, MOL joins the celebrations of International Coffee Day.

Czechs – lovers of lattes and flat whites

The coffee break is a symbol of traveling by car for almost 70 percent of Czechs. Just as Czechs can’t imagine a car journey without a stop for coffee, they can’t imagine coffee at a pump without milk either. Latte, americano with milk and cappuccino are the most popular. In Central Europe, we also clearly lead in the number of flat whites drunk.

“Czechs no longer just want to take a cup of coffee and quickly continue their journey. We are looking instead for an opportunity to enjoy a great coffee and relax before the next journey. This is also where we differ from, for example, Slovaks, who, on the contrary, most often drink espresso at gas stations,” comments Jan Semotán, director of retail at MOL Česká republika.

At the pump like in a cafe

In order to satisfy the increasingly refined coffee preferences of Czech drivers, MOL came up with a new coffee last year. It is a 100% Arabica from the Minas Gerais region of Brazil, which is perfect for flat white, espresso and espresso macchiato. The company chose it together with the prestigious roaster Roastar and expert barista Anita Nagyová-Bertóková.

Today, customers are paying more and more attention to the choice of coffee, which is evidenced by the growing popularity of flat white – a relative novelty on the Czech market, which Czechs often prefer over more traditional coffee drinks. MOL therefore focuses on providing a barista experience that goes beyond the classic coffee machine. Today, coffee is served at selected stations in classic cups, which corresponds to the growing customer demand for quality and comfort.


“Coffee has become an important part of everyday travel, so we strive to bring customers the best coffee experience even while driving. Gas stations are no longer just a place where people buy coffee on the go. More and more of them prefer to enjoy their coffee in peace, as if they were in a cafe,” says Semotán.




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