Devastated and at the same time filled with many beautiful memories, we received the sad news that Hans Kemmink, half of one of Amsterdam’s most famous fashion duos: Puck and Hans, has passed away.

Photo Monique Vermeulen, 2017

All rights reserved

The Amsterdam Museum looks back on years of collaboration with Puck and Hans, in which wonderful projects were realized, including the exhibition Puck & Hans – Couture Locale in the summer of 2017. In this major oeuvre exhibition, special pieces by Puck & Hans from the collection of the Amsterdam Museum next to never-before-seen pieces of private clothing. The exhibition provided a rich overview of their versatile work, in the atmospheric and exuberant design of Maarten Spruyt. The festive opening with the radiant designer duo – together with their daughter and granddaughter in the center of attention – is etched in the memory of many in and around the Amsterdam Museum.

Director Peter Wingender of Smarthouse Films captured the run-up to the exhibition – from collecting the garments from known and unknown customers, to putting together the exhibition and ultimately the festive opening – in documentary Puck & Hans which premiered in 2019. Designs by Puck and Hans were also on display in the Maison Amsterdam exhibition, made by the Nieuwe Kerk and the Amsterdam Museum, and, as Hans himself appended with his characteristic enthusiasm: ‘the photo of our show ’84 in the church: beautiful!’

The Amsterdam Museum cherishes the more than 50 pieces by Puck and Hans that we have in our collection, and will never forget Hans’ cheerfulness, care, creativity and loving attention.

We wish Puck, Carmen and Lola and all around them strength in bearing this loss.

On behalf of the employees and former employees of the Amsterdam Museum,

Judith Kiers
General manager

Read more regarding the Couture Locale exhibition in 2017 here



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