In many provinces of China, the high temperature of over 40 ℃ continued to be difficult for 10,000 people in Chongqing to drink water | Drought | Dry season of Dongting Lake |

[The Epoch Times, August 16, 2022](The Epoch Times reporters Xiao Lusheng and Yi Ru interviewed and reported) Many provinces in mainland Chinahigh temperatureThe situation continued. On August 16, 8 provinces including Sichuan, Zhejiang and other provinces returned to high temperatures above 40°C.Due to the high temperature, the rivers in Chongqing stopped flowing, and more than 13,000 people in Kaizhou DistrictDifficulty drinking water; Jiangxi Reservoir dried up, and wells in people’s homes in Jingdezhen dried up; the “kidney of the Yangtze River” Dongting Lake District entered the dry season ahead of schedule; Hangzhou touristsheat strokeusually.

Comprehensive land media reports, the mainland Central Meteorological Observatory released at 6 am on the 16thhigh temperatureThe red warning stated that during the day on the 16th, it is expected that the highest temperature in eastern Sichuan, central and western Chongqing, southern Shaanxi, southeastern Hubei, central and northern Hunan, central and northern Jiangxi, central Zhejiang, and 8 parts of the Turpan Basin in Xinjiang will reach a maximum temperature of 40 ℃ or more.

Southern Xinjiang Basin and Turpan Basin, southern Shaanxi, southeastern Henan, central and southern Anhui, southern Jiangsu, Shanghai, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Fujian, central and eastern Sichuan, Chongqing, eastern and northern Guizhou, central and northern Guangxi, Guangdong The highest temperature in 16 places in the central and northern parts of the country will reach 35 ℃ to 39 ℃.

chongqingDifficulty drinking water Sichuan’s electricity consumption is limited

Among them, Chongqing has experienced high temperatures above 40°C for 8 consecutive days, and the local area has experienced drought. As of 8:00 on the 15th, 51 rivers in the city had stopped flowing, 24 reservoirs had dried up, and 2,138 electromechanical wells had insufficient water. More than 13,000 people in 35 villages in 16 towns and towns in Kaizhou District, Chongqing had temporary drinking water difficulties. Parts of the 33 districts and counties in Chongqing have mild to severe soil moisture shortages, among which, the soils in parts of the 5 districts and counties of Fengjie, Wuxi, Wushan, Chengkou, and Fuling are severely lacking in soil moisture.

At 4 p.m. on the 15th, the highest temperature in Chengdu was 43°C in Jianyang City, which was also the highest temperature ever recorded in Chengdu. On the morning of the 15th, the minimum temperature at Shapingba Station in Chongqing was 33.8 ℃, which once once more refreshed the local minimum temperature and the highest record.

Mr. Wang, a citizen of Rongchang District, Chongqing, said in an interview with the Epoch Times reporter on the 16th that the localdroughtIt was very serious. It had not rained for a long time, and the trees and bamboo forests on the mountain had dried up to death. This year’s heat was the “highest” he might remember.

Ms. Wu from Fuling District, Chongqing said that it has never been so hot, and the ruraldroughtVery serious, the citrus trees have all dried up, sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes (potatoes), peanuts have all dried up, and many vegetables have dried up.

“A lot of vegetables in the vegetable market are quite expensive now,” Ms. Wu said. “General vegetables are gone. Vegetables in the mountains are basically dry. In the second half of the year, there are citrus and mustard. If it doesn’t rain, then Not anymore.”

Ms. Wu said that the water level of the Yangtze River in the place where they are located has dropped a little, and it is generally the small river that is dry.

Due to the high temperature, there is a shortage of electricity in Sichuan Province. On the 15th, the Sichuan Provincial Department of Economics and Information Technology and the State Grid Sichuan Electric Power Company jointly issued the document “Emergency Notice on Expanding the Scope of Industrial Enterprises Allowing Electricity to Be Used by the People”, requiring industrial power users from 0:00 a.m. on the 15th to midnight on the 20th. Production stopped at 12:00.

Earlier, on the 9th, Sichuan Province officials said that since July, the electricity load in Sichuan Province has hit a record high six times in succession, reaching a maximum of 5,910 kWh, and the power supply is facing enormous pressure.

The Ministry of Water Resources of the Communist Party of China launched a level IV emergency response to drought defense for 6 provinces and cities in Anhui, Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan, Chongqing and Sichuan.

The temperature of a total of 70 national stations in Sichuan, Shaanxi, Chongqing, Hubei, Anhui, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other places reached or exceeded historical extremes on the 15th. But the hot weather will continue. The report said that the high temperature in the south will continue for the next 10 days, and the cumulative number of high temperature days in Jianghuai, Jianghan, Jiangnan, Sichuan Basin and southern Shaanxi will reach 7 to 10 days.

According to the report, among the top ten high temperature lists in the country today, it is impossible to squeeze into the list without 43 ℃.

21 small rivers in Jiangxi stopped flowing, “groundwater has been drained”

The rainfall in Jiangxi province in July was 70% less than the average (114 mm) for the same period. A total of 42 reservoirs in the province were dry and 21 small rivers stopped flowing. The water levels of 24 stations including Zhangshu Station on Ganjiang River, Liaojiawan, Loujiacun and Lijiadu Stations on Fuhe River, Meigang Station on Xinjiang River, Luoxi Station on Xiuhe River, Zhajin Station and Xianfeng Station were lower than the lowest water level on record.

On July 29, Pingxiang City launched a drought-resistance level III emergency response, and each district and city has successively launched a drought-resistance level IV emergency response. On August 5, the Provincial Hydrology Bureau issued a blue warning for dry water in the Fuhe River, the middle reaches of the Ganjiang River, the Xinjiang River, and the Le’an River. On August 10, Jiujiang City was upgraded to a level III emergency response to drought, and a total of 48 counties (cities, districts) in the province launched emergency response to drought.

Mr. Liu from Jingdezhen, Jiangxi told The Epoch Times on the 16th that the drought in their local area is very serious. It may not have rained much for more than a month.

“Every family here is drilling wells and pumping water by themselves, and then many people can’t pump water, and my family can’t pump water either, and the groundwater is drained.” Mr. Liu said, “You have to drill very deep to get the groundwater. “There is definitely not enough water (for domestic use) at all. We fetch water from the neighbor’s house next door.”

He also informed that the water level of the river is very shallow and very low, the lowest level in history. “Near Poyang Lake. Poyang Lake has already dried up. The water level of Poyang Lake is very low. It is affected by the Three Gorges (dam) of the Yangtze River.”

Mr. Liu said that the ground where he grows vegetables is cracked, and the cracks are one centimeter wide. “Can you imagine how dry it is? One centimeter, it’s already very dry, and even the cracks are oblique. Do you think If you want to see it, it’s really dry.”

The “Kidney of the Yangtze River” Dongting Lake entered the dry season early

Due to the high temperature, drought conditions in the Yangtze River Basin developed rapidly. According to the report, at present, the water levels of the main stream of the Yangtze River, Dongting Lake and Poyang Lake are 4.7 to 5.7 meters lower than the same period of the previous year, which is the lowest in the same period since the actual measurement record.

At 6:00 a.m. on the 2nd, the water level of Chenglingji (Qilishan) station at the exit of Dongting Lake was 24.99 meters, which fell below 25.00 meters, which was lower than the average water level of 5.29 meters in the same period of the calendar year on August 2, and continued to decline; the water surface area of ​​Dongting Lake has been Reduced to 1000 square kilometers. The beach was exposed prematurely, and some river sections were cut off, among which the west branch of the Ouchi River has been cut off since July 10.

Since the flood season, many provinces and cities along the Yangtze River Basin have continued to experience little rainfall, and the phenomenon of “reverse dry season during the flood season” has occurred, and the reservoir water storage is seriously insufficient. The area of ​​arable land in Anhui, Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan, Chongqing, and Sichuan provinces (municipalities directly under the Central Government) has reached 9.67 million mu, and 830,000 people have been affected by drought and water supply.

Dongting Lake accommodates four major rivers, Xiangjiang River, Zijiang River, Yuanjiang River and Lishui River, and is known as the “Kidney of the Yangtze River”. At 8:00 a.m. on the 11th, the water level at Chenglingji Station of Dongting Lake was 24.12 meters, which was 5.42 meters lower than the average water level of the same period of the past years, and was at the lowest water level in the same period in the past 30 years. At 3 pm on the 13th, the water level of Dongting Lake Chenglingji Station was 23.95 meters, which was also the lowest water level in the same period in the past 30 years. It is expected that the water level will continue to decline in the next week. Since July, the water level of Dongting Lake has dropped for more than 40 consecutive days, falling below the dry water level of 24.50 meters, and entering the dry season four months ahead of schedule.

In the next 10 days, the Yangtze River Basin will continue to have high temperature and little rain, and the drought may further expand and intensify.

People in Hangzhou and Nanjing frequentlyheat stroke

Hangzhou, Zhejiang also continued to have high temperatures and even broke records. There are frequent heat stroke incidents among tourists by the West Lake in Hangzhou.

On the 12th, a pregnant woman in Lingyin Scenic Spot in Hangzhou suffered from heat stroke. On the 13th, a 20-year-old boy in Hangzhou Feilaifeng Scenic Spot fainted from heat stroke.

Also on the 12th, Lao Wang, a 57-year-old worker from Zhejiang, felt unwell following working for several hours under the scorching sun. Although he took a rest, it did not improve but worsened. He was sent to the hospital by his co-workers and was diagnosed with heat stroke.

From the 1st to the 9th in Nanjing, at least 155 people called 120 due to heat stroke.

Since June this year, many provinces and cities in China have experienced high temperatures and continued high temperatures. There have been cases of heat stroke patients and even deaths of people in Zhejiang, Sichuan, Shanghai and other places.

Responsible editor: Li Muen#



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