In light of the spread of general injustice and the comprehensive silence about it: Let us admit that we have adopted the doctrine of justice and its effects have been devastated in our country | religion and world

The concept of justice is one of the basic human values ​​that Islam brought, and made it one of the elements of individual, family, social, and political life. Rather, the Qur’an made establishing justice among people a primary goal of all heavenly messages. The Almighty said: The Book and the Scale, so that the people may pay the price.}

Perhaps the main problem in the way we deal with justice is that we have diagnosed the matter..that is, we have made it subservient to our whims, moods, instincts and interests.. Rather, to the interests of some leaders who oppress us while they are enjoying..and this completely contradicts the value of justice that God Almighty has commanded..

Justice as a human value and faith is one of the attributes that we must preserve in all ways, otherwise life is corrupted in all its fields, and in the Holy Qur’an, the Almighty says: “O you who believe, be the value of those who are the best of God.” In my life as a Muslim, she is the ruler over every matter…even if it is over myself, my family, or my relatives…and here is the point..?!

In our great religion, justice is not affected by love or hatred.. it does not differentiate between lineage and lineage.. nor between the poor and the rich.. nor between a relative or a stranger.. nor between a Muslim and a non-Muslim..

We need to believe in justice

The problem is that many of us – unfortunately – to this day have not believed in justice as a human and faith value required in this world. Rather, there are those around us who see justice as a secondary matter… It comes at the last priority, because everything around us for many years has nourished our souls with spoilers. That the interest of the self, the interest of the family, the interest of the relatives, the interest of the clan, and even the interest of the sect and the interest of the community before everything… Even before justice..?!

So our main problem – and let’s admit it – is that we were not properly and properly educated on the value of justice..?!

What is worse is that many people have bad religious education, so they wanted justice to revolve with them and catch up with them… not that they catch up with justice..?!

One of the biggest disasters whose corruption we live today in our societies is that an unjust and corrupt person is defeated by some, defends him and protects him with all the most precious and precious.. and when you talk to him, he says to you, “This is from our group” .. or from our supporters or from our sect or from our sect..?! Then he follows the statement with an excuse worse than a sin, saying, “Is it acceptable for me to stand with a person who is not of my religion, sect, or clan once morest another (from us)?”..?!

(And if, Sheikh) Didn’t the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, say (Help your brother whether he is an oppressor or an oppressed)…

First.. The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, his family and his companions, said: Help your brother who is unjust or oppressed.. They said: O Messenger of God, we know how to help him when he is oppressed, so how can we help him when he is an oppressor? He said: (Take it above his hands..) That is, prevent him from injustice.. I wish every brag would be silent..?!

Secondly.. Justice in Islam is a divine matter and not a discretionary matter, for God Almighty says {And when you judge between people, that you judge with justice}, He said between people, meaning that justice has nothing to do with who and who… It has nothing to do with the beliefs of the disputants.. Nor a doctrine. The two differ… But he has a single relationship… which is the realization of the right to its owners..?!

Therefore.. let us all admit that one of the biggest disasters that we suffer in Lebanon is that we are our sect and the spectrum of justice as a value. Rather, the greatest disaster is that we planted this corruption in the hearts of people as a religious matter..?! {Is that the era of Jahiliyyah desiring?}..

Justice is out of oneself

We must know full knowledge and be certain that the basis of justice is man’s exit from himself and submission to the truth wherever and however it may be, in the family aspects, moral aspects, heart aspects, and human aspects… We must put ourselves aside and walk behind the truth… Otherwise… There is no justice in our lives and there is no effect of justice in our society..?!

And when we say no justice, this means that we no longer have any of the qualities that qualifies us to feel life as God Almighty wanted it, but the world will turn into a forest, in which the strong eat the weak, and unfortunately this is what we suffer today..?!


We must immediately rehabilitate the concept of justice in all aspects of our lives.

We have to work to restore this concept to practical application in all our matters…

We must know that any matter without justice becomes destruction, ruin, corruption and humiliation.

It is no longer acceptable to remain as we are today in Lebanon, for the amount of injustice spread around us does not bode well at all..?!

In all matters, we see nothing but injustice, until the great Lebanese people’s jihad has become…only to reduce the amount of injustice…instead of rejecting and fighting it..?!

The Lebanese people, with all their affiliations,

Justice is a divine command for all creation.

Justice is the commandment of the Prophet, may God bless him and his family and his companions, to his followers.

Justice is the guarantee of human humanity in this world and through it the weak are given their rights, the oppressed are treated fairly, and the right holder is able to reach his right.

Justice is a basic value of the values ​​that emanate from the creed of Islam, and faith is not complete in the heart of a person who does not believe in justice and does not act upon it, and that is why the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said (the supplication of the oppressed is not between them and God is a veil, even if he is an infidel)..



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