In Kuznetsk, a stray dog ​​bit a woman – Stolitsa58

During a meeting at the city administration, the head of Kuznetsk, Sergei Zlatogorsky, raised a pressing problem for the city – stray animals.

“We are monitoring problematic addresses. A woman was bitten again at the 19th garden. Let the animal rights activists talk to her so that she doesn’t bite,” the mayor noted ironically, thereby emphasizing the need for responsible attitudes towards animals on the part of their owners.

Sergey Zlatogorsky noted that aggressive dogs often migrate from other areas. “The law allows us to work, let’s be more active!” he urged.

During the meeting, the mayor also spoke about an outrageous incident that he personally witnessed.

“I was walking and discovered that the cat had been torn apart. These ‘good friends’ of ours,” Sergei Zlatogorsky noted bitterly.

Earlier, the city’s mayor reported that those who behave very badly receive a one-way ticket.

“Now those who send their dogs out to roam may never see them again, and on legal grounds,” the mayor said, emphasizing the seriousness of the new measures.



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