Kannur ∙ Three persons have been arrested in the case of gang-raping a Tamil Nadu woman by promising her a job. Vijesh, a native of Kanjanjad, Mustafa, a native of Malappuram, and the relative of the woman who was raped, were arrested. The police informed that the accused confessed to the crime during interrogation.
The city arrested Vijesh and the woman’s relative from Ramakal in Tamil Nadu. It was during the investigation conducted by the police team led by DySP Ratnakumar that focused on the location of the mobile tower that the accused came to know regarding Ramkal. According to them, Mustafa was arrested from Malappuram. All the three persons were brought to Kannur in the morning and arrested in the followingnoon.
The woman, who came to Kannur from Tamil Nadu in search of work, was brought home in Kanjira on August 27 by her relative. The case alleges that Vijesh and Mustafa gang-raped the young woman following giving her juice in the night. A married woman (32) from Salem was the victim of harassment. The gang left the unconscious woman behind. The police said that the woman was admitted to the hospital and recovered.
English Summary: Three arrested in Kannur gang rape case