IN – International Dog Day: Modern technologies also help take care of four-legged pets

Dog, man’s best friend. This is not just a cliché, but a fact confirmed by statistics. Czechs are a nation of dog walkers and they take care of their furry companions with love and care. But how do our dog care habits change over time? And how can modern technology help us?

Since 2004, International Dog Day has been celebrated regularly on August 26. But the dog has been man’s partner since prehistoric times. Today, it is not usually his primary task to help in hunting or to guard homes, but he still remains an indispensable member of more than half of Czech households. According to the Dyson technology company’s “Dust Study 2022-3” survey, the dog is the most common pet in the Czech Republic.

Together on the couch and in bed
Proof of how strong a bond is formed between dogs and their owners is the fact that most Czechs give their furry friend complete freedom when it comes to moving around the house. According to a Dyson study, 54% of Czechs do not limit where their dog goes in the house. A third even share a bed with their pet, and another 30% let their dog sleep on the bedroom floor.

Hair removal can be a breeze
However, the most common place for dogs to sleep is still the bed. According to a survey, 59% of domesticated dogs worldwide spend the night in it. To make cleaning easier for owners, it is important to use the right attachment on the vacuum cleaner. For example, the Dyson Gen5detect Absolute stick vacuum cleaner has a special nozzle with a conical brush on which hair and fibers do not remain tangled and thus easily and quickly removes hair not only from beds, but also from couches, upholstered furniture, car seats or stairs. So hair collection doesn’t have to be a nightmare anymore.


Caring for dogs is easier thanks to apps
Not only a practical stick vacuum cleaner with a smart attachment, but also other modern technologies can be helpful in caring for our furry ones. For example, there are many mobile applications on the market that help dog owners with their training and education (e.g. Dogo, Puppr), health (e.g. Tlappka), or monitoring (e.g. Dog Monitor Buddy). There is even a “translator” of dog speech, Dog translator, but it is more for fun than to be able to miraculously decode barking.


Cleanliness is half health
One of the important parts of life with a dog is taking care of its coat, not only for its appearance, but also for the animal’s health. During this activity, the skin is massaged, its blood circulation and supply of new nutrients occurs. According to a Dyson survey, half of Czechs consider brushing their pets as a regular routine – even this is the highest number compared to other countries in the Europe, Middle East and Africa region. For Czechs, the most important thing when combing is to remove parts of sand and soil (48% of respondents), but they also want to remove dust (37%), hair (33%), bacteria (30%), parts of skin/dandruff (28%), and also viruses, mites and their droppings, dust and food scraps. The most popular tool for fur care is a brush or comb, but even here modern technology can help, such as a special self-cleaning brush that is attached to a vacuum cleaner, so that the hairs and with them dirt, including allergens, go straight into the device’s bowels.


Dogs live like kings in the 21st century
Times are changing, and so is dog care. More and more owners are investing in various canine wellness procedures, such as massages, aromatherapy or special diets. Dog nurseries, luxury dog ​​hotels are being created, you can buy waterproof suits, life vests and matching bow ties to fine-tune your style, collars with GPS locators, thanks to which you can track dogs in real time, or maybe a smart electronic door that, thanks to a microchip, lets only your dog in and after it passes, they lock themselves again. In short, the possibilities of the 21st century can make caring for dogs easier and give pets the greatest comfort. But the most important thing is the strong emotional bond between a person and their animal – no smart device can replace that.

You know that…

  • According to German experts, the dog was domesticated more than sixteen thousand years ago. Scientists judge this from the discovery of a skull and teeth discovered in the Kesslerloch cave in northern Switzerland.
  • According to a Dyson study, 24% of owners in the Czech Republic brush their dogs every week. Globally, it is 47%.
  • The Dyson Gen5detect vacuum cleaner has machine-wide HEPA filtration that captures 99.99% of particles as small as 0.1 microns. Therefore, it thoroughly vacuums not only hair, but also invisible allergens, such as pollen, which dogs can bring on their fur from walking.



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