IN IMAGES – From pipigate and Conner Rousseau to “Chinese Interest”: Jut’s political tradition at the Aalst Carnival

This year, 71 permanent groups and more than 200 occasional groups are participating in the traditional carnival procession. According to the Belga news agency, there are approximately 4,500 participants. All in all, the procession covers a route of approximately 7 kilometers.

According to the organization, around 80,000 people came to Aalst for the procession. That is considerably less than last year. Then the procession attracted 105,000 people. Although at the time it was the highest number of day visitors ever. The organization now talks about “an average turnout”.

As is the annual tradition, many cars and costumes make fun of current events. Politicians in particular are criticized. There are cars that depict pipigate with Van Quickenborne, target the English of Theo Francken and laugh at the statements of Conner Rousseau.

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