In Haute-Garonne, a white brandy created from red wine

The daring association between a young distiller, Gilles Victors, and Marc Penavayre, renowned winemaker from Vacquiers (Haute-Garonne), north of Toulouse, has given rise to an original and unique product: the first white brandy of Negrette (not of a grape variety) organic, with red wine from Frontonnais. A challenge for these two professionals who lasted a year to obtain this 44 degree spirit after double distillation.

“The idea was to take your time and have the patience to refine this eau-de-vie while keeping the freshness, the crunchiness and the fruity side of the red wine provided by Marc,” explains Gilles Victors, who usually distils whiskey and gin. We are so happy with this partnership that we took advantage of this year’s harvest to prepare a 100% Negrette wine and cut it for distillation, fine-tuning these aromatic details ”.

The first cuvée of L’Aigo Ordent allowed the production of 484 bottles that Marc Penavayre gave to various chefs of renowned restaurants in Toulouse and Paris. “The feedback is very positive since two starred chefs and two gourmet restaurants are already interested,” says the winemaker. This brandy was an interesting challenge in a field that I did not know at all. About a quarter of the bottles have already been sold ”. The bottle of organic negrette brandy is sold at the price of 44 euros at the Plaisance Penavayre estate and on the distiller’s website.

Alcohol should be consumed in moderation.

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